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Nurture: Summer 2- Week 3


We arrived in class on Tuesday and discovered a large picnic basket. Inside the basket were lots of things you might find at the beach, there was also a very old teddy bear. We are unsure who the bear belongs to, but we will be finding out shortly. 

Some of the children went on a very exciting trip this week as part of our new football team. They visited Mulgrave school and were fantastic ambassadors for Waterside- well done. 

We also said goodbye to Miss Zoe, she has left to go travelling, but promises to send lots of pictures of her adventures!

Next week is Creative Week, we have two fantastic workshops and lots of other exciting activities scheduled throughout the week. Don’t forget to look at our Twitter feed for updates. 

Kate Scarbrow & Billie Sutton

Nurture: Summer 2 - Week 2


A very hot week in Nurture, the children have found it hard to focus and it has involved lots of ice poles. Hopefully it will be cooler for us next week.


This week, we finished our Naughty Night Bus stories, I will be sending them home at the end of the summer term and I am sure that you will love them as much as we do. In science, we have continued to look at everyday materials and their uses and managed to fix the broken umbrella. We utilised different backgrounds on Scratch Jr and programmed the sprite to move around. 


Next week, we will be starting our new English topic, 'The See-Saw'. It would be great if the children are able to bring in their favourite cuddly toy to show their friends. 

Nurture: Summer 2 - Week 1


Welcome back! We hit the ground running this week...


We are continuing with our English topic 'Naughty Bus' for a few weeks. This week PC Lockemup returned to see us to find out of we had any new information about Naughty Bus. Some of the children thought that it was Mr walter dressed up as a police officer, they were assured when he explained that it was his identical twin brother! The children created a storyboard for 'The New Adventures of naught Night Bus'.


In maths, we continue to focus on different areas of the curriculum. Some of the children have been creating number stories using numbers to 10, some are focusing on multiplication and division and one group is looking at length. The children all work really hard during these sessions, you could help by asking them questions about their maths.


We started a new science unit and are looking at the properties of everyday materials. This week, we have been trying to work out to fix my daughters broken umbrella, the children had some innovative ideas on which materials would be most appropriate.


In computing, we have started to create our own codes using Scratch Jr. All of the children enjoyed exploring different ways to move the sprite. In PHSE, we have begun our topic 'Changing me', this will look at the differences between girls and boys. this is obviously taught at an age appropriate level, but please give me a call if you would like to more about the content.


Finally, hugest congratulations to Miss Sutton who has just become the schools PE Lead. This means that she is no longer in class for some of the afternoon sessions and will be missed, but Miss Zoe and I are still here to support the pupils with their learning journey.

Nurture: Summer 1- Week 6


This week has seen the school welcome our friends from Ofsted. We were incredibly proud of all our superheroes. They represented our school beautifully and showed what amazing learners they really are!


As ever, we wish you a lovely half term and will see you on 5th June. 


Mrs Scarbrow & The Nurture Team

Nurture: Summer 1 - Week 5


This week has been Assessment week at Waterside, the children have all done so well, completing tests in maths, English & reading. All tried their best and it was wonderful to see the progress they have made.


As a result of the tests, we have been off curriculum and there has been plenty of opportunity for the children to work on their play skills. 


Back to normal next week and we will find out what happens next for Naughty Bus...

Nurture: Summer 1 - Week 4


It is been a strange week in Nurture. Our Year 6 pupils having been sitting their SATs tests and so we have had to be very patient and understanding when our routine was disrupted. 


We have still managed to get lots done, the children continue to love Naughty Bus and have been thinking about sequencing and describing what has been happening in the story. In computing, we learnt how to move the Beebots in four different directions, but we are still finding it tricky to make predictions. 


We have had a lots pupils off with stomach bugs this week, please remember that if your child is sick or has an upset stomach, our policy is for them to remain off school for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.


Thank you for your support. 

Nurture: Summer 1 - Week 3


We took a little while to adjust to the change in our routines this week - everyone was convinced that it was Monday! We spent Tuesday, learning to program our floor turtles and making predictions as to where we felt they would stop, it was lots of fun. We also managed to read Naughty Bus, the illustrations were beautiful, but Naughty Bus definitely needs to learn the school rules.


On Wednesday, we went on a class trip to The London Eye. We travelled by train and walked along South Bank to get there. The children had so much fun and we were even able to spot Buckingham Palace from the top. We were complimented by a family in our pod who said that the children's behaviour had been spot on - the adults were very proud. We managed a quick play in Jubilee Gardens and even a trip in the singing lift in The South Bank Centre, before returning to school.


Thursday saw us decorating crowns for the whole school coronation party, we also pained coasters and thought about how King Charles III must be feeling.


On Friday, we had a huge party. The children had a cooked breakfast and we played some silly games like 'pin the jewels on the crown'. We then had lots of fun dancing, before returning to class.


Hoping that you all have another great long weekend.


Kate Scarbrow, Billie Sutton & Miss Zoe.

Nurture: Summer 1 - Week 2


We arrived in class on Monday to find two small packages in the library. We hurriedly unwrapped them and found two London buses, we then had lots of fun thinking about everything we know about buses (the children knew a lot). We went on a pretend bus ride on our own bus and even managed to sing some bus songs. The rest of our week has been very bus themed, but we have not yet started to read our text.


The children have been busy in science, learning about magnets and exploring how they attract and repel. In computing, we learnt about the function buttons for the floor turtles and in PHSE we thought about what makes a true friend. We had a fantastic mindfulness session on Thursday, some of the children were so relaxed they fell asleep!


We hope that you all have a great long weekend and look forward to seeing the children next week.  

Nurture: Week 1 - Summer 1


Welcome back, we hope that you had a great Easter break? The children have returned to school, full of energy and keen to learn. We have a very busy half term planned, including a trip to the London Eye in a few weeks time.


We have lots of new topics for the children to get their teeth into. In English, we are going to be studying the book The Naughty Bus. We are hoping to get down to Plumstead Bus Station and go for a short bus journey. In science, we are learning about Everyday Materials, this week we had to sort materials according to their properties. We also had to think about why certain things are made of particular materials. 


In computing, we are learning to program floor turtles, the children worked in pairs pretending to be robots and giving each other sets, they realised that it is not that simple. 


In R.E, we are focusing on Judaism and this week thought about rites of passage.


We will be beginning our other new topics next week.


As ever, please contact me if you have any concerns or queries. 

Nurture: Spring 2- Week 6


This week, draws to a close our Change Sings topic, the children collectively wrote a beautiful poem about our wonderful world and have filmed a performance for it. I will be editing this over the holidays ready for you to watch in the new term. 


The last week of term has been full of Easter surprises. The children were thrilled to take part in an Easter egg hunt on Thursday and had fun making Easter baskets with Miss Sutton. 


We hope that you have a restful break and look forward to the coming term.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any support over the Easter break, I will be checking my emails periodically and will get back to you as soon as I can. 


As ever


Mrs Scarbrow & Miss Sutton

Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 5


This week, the childen have been busy planning their poem for Change Sings. We looked at landscape images of our beautiful planets and generated noun phrases to describe them. There were some beautiful descriptions.


In maths, we continue to work on different concepts. Lyla-Mae, Edward and Ryan are thinking about number bonds to 10. Reggie has just finished learning about addition and subtraction of numbers up to 100 - well done Reg! Brendan and Mick are looking at multiplication and division of 2,5 and 10 - Mick it has been wonderful to have you in class!


In our wider curriculum, we have been creating pictograms from tally charts and answering questions about these. In geography, we have had fun discovering where North is and playing games to find other directions. In science, we have been thinking about rainfall and have made our own rain gauges to measure rainfall at Waterside.


On Friday, we welcomed Sasha from Beoumund SEMH School in Southwark, she was super impressed to see the children working so hard on their poetry.


As ever, do get in touch if you would like to discuss anything.


Kate Scarbrow & Billie Sutton

Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 4


We have been celebrating British Science Week @ Waterside. We began the week with a Forensic Science work. Someone had broken into the school safe and stolen the cake sale money! Pupils were given clues and evidence had to be identified, collected, interpreted and analysed. This included fingerprints, impressions, hairs and fibres and 'blood', bones and DNA. They worked really hard as a team to solve the mystery.


On Tuesday, we enjoyed a whole school STEM assembly, the children worked in class teams on a variety of challenges. They had to build the tallest, strongest marshmallow and spaghetti tower, then build a tin foil boat that could hold the most pennies and finally create a marbled picture using shaving foam and inks. There was plenty of mess, but even more laughter.


On Wednesday, we had a a team from the Institute of Acoustics visit the school and teach us about sound & noise. It was pretty complex, but we had lots of fun creating lots of noise!


Thursday was spent preparing for our Red Nose Day Sale, children across the school were busy making things to sell at the sale, lots of cakes, friendship bracelets and other wares!


On Friday afternoon, the whole school came together for the sale, there were lots of sticky fingers and the children enjoyed selling their items. We will let you know how much we raised next week. Many thanks for your kind donations.


Have a great weekend


Mrs Scarbrow & The Nurture Team

Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 3


As ever, Nurture have been very busy this week!


We have really been enjoying our English text, we wrote a class poem about all the things we would like to change in the world and also considered the word 'unique', thinking about all the things that make us who we are. In maths, we continue to work on separate topics: Adding 3 single digit numbers, grouping and also number bonds to 10. All of the pupils love consolidating their work using Numbots.


In science, we have been thinking about how shadows are formed and had lots of fun creating our own shadow puppet show. In computing, we have continued to use software to create an interpret pictograms, the children are getting much better at understanding what the data is actually showing us. Music has been so much fun as we continue with our 'I wanna be in a band' theme, we have the makings of lots of mini rockstars in the class. 


Next week is STEM week which will be very exciting. We have two workshops booked for the children and an array of other fun experiments planned. The week will finish with a bake sale on Friday. Don't forget to bring £1 so that your child is able to purchase goods at the sale. All proceeds will go to the Red Nose Day charity.


Have a great weekend.


The Nurture Team

Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 2


A busy week in Nurture. We began the week with the hook for our new book, 'Change Sings'. The children were interrupted in assembly by a large consignment of musical instruments. Inside one of the instrument cases, we found gifts for each class - a copy of the book. We then thought about the ways that we can make the world a better place and we wrote our own Change is... poem. 


In science, we thought about the different seasons and what we see in each season, we then made some beautiful blossom tree paintings. In computing, we created our own pictograms and answered questions related to them. In music, we started our new unit 'I wanna be in a band' - whoever knew how many wanna be rockstars we have in class. 


We had a visit from the charity Hope not Hate on Thursday and learnt why it is important to think about the language we use and how important it is to be respectful of one another. We also celebrated World Book Day which was lots of fun.


In PSHE, we thought about making healthy choices and began to learn about the fat and sugar content of different foods. 

Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 1


A warm welcome back after half term. It was lovely to see the pupils refreshed and ready for the coming term. We have seen several changes in Nurture this week. Kyle has moved to Birch class and in turn, we welcome both Edward & Ryan, both boys are settling well and finding their feet. We also welcome Miss Aisha to the Waterside team.


We have a busy half term planned, this week we have focused on a grammar catch up in English in readiness for our new whole school text which we will begin next week. We continue to work on various parts of the maths curriculum across the class and it is lovely to see the pupils confidence beginning to develop.


We have started our new science unit of work, this focuses on the weather and we had lots of fun pretending to be weather forecasters and playing 'guess the weather'. In geography, we have started to think about geographical skills and began by locating the United Kingdom on on a globe as well as matching flags to the four nations.


In PHSE, we have begun to look at Healthy Me and the pupils have set themselves some challenging sporting challenges. 


As ever, please contact me by email or by calling the office if you require any more information.


Kind regards


Mrs Scarbrow & the Nurture team

Nurture: Spring 1 - Week 5


Wow, how have we arrived at week 5 already? Yet again, the children have been working really hard! This week, the children created story maps and began to write a new version of Stanley's Stick - Mrs Scarbrow's Sock. There were lots of creative ideas, although we did need some practise to imagine the sock was anything else than a sock!


In maths, we continue to work a range of concepts. Kyle, Reggie and Zac are now looking at column subtraction with renaming, this has been a little tricky, but they have found their confidence this week. Lyla-Mae has been thinking about maths vocabulary - 'more than, 'less than', 'fewer' in relation to numbers to 10. Brendan has continued to develop his understanding of grouping and Blake is now focusing on adddition and subtraction of numbers to 1,000,000.


In science this week, we thought about the names and purposes of different parts of a plant and created our own beautiful flowers. In computing, we have continued to experiment with making our own digital music, this week the focus was on tempo.


In R.E, we continue to contemplate and recosgnise the benefits of the prayer ritual for Muslim's and also set our own goals for the coming term in Nurture. In P.E, Mr Thomas has been teaching us about scoring in babminton, we have become quite competitive! 


In Zones, we have been thinking about how to utilise the tools in our toolbox to help us to remain or retutn to the green zone. Finally this week, we had great fun on Friday in art creating a whole class nature art picture using sticks and leaves.


Miss Sutton & Mrs Scarbrow

Nurture: Spring 1 - Week 4


The children have, as ever, been working really hard this week. Sadly, we had to cancel our trip earlier this week, the children coped well with this disappointment and focused their energies on class work. We continued to work on Stanley's Stick, learning about adverbs, time adverbials and adjectives. Our newest member of Nurture, worked on her phonics and letter formation - she will be using these next week to begin to blend simple words!


In maths, the children continue to work on different aspects of maths. Blake has been rounding numbers up to 1, 000, 000, Mick and Brendan have been learning about division, Lyle-Mae has been looking at greater than and less than and lastly, Kyle, Zac and Reggie are developing their understanding of column subtraction. 


In science, we have been looking at the structure and role of pollen. The children created some beautiful pollen structures, all of them individual - just like pollen.


In R.E, we practiced the ten elements of Salat - Muslim prayer ritual. It was quite tricky, but the children all focused well on the task. 


We wish you all a relaxing weekend.


Miss Sutton & Mrs Scarbrow




Nurture: Spring 2 - Week 3


We have, as usual, been working hard in Nurture this week. We have continued to focus on our English text 'Stanley's Stick', we have been learning about adverbs and time adverbial and have been using these to help to sequence our story. 


In science, we have been learning about seed dispersal, the children found some of the ways seeds are dispersed quite amusing causing lots of laughter in our lesson. They loved making their own helicopter seeds and having a competition to see whose would fly the furthest. They also made their own dandelion seeds, Brendan suggested they looked quite like a virus!


In computing, we continue to focus on digital music, this week we learnt about high and low pitch and the children experimented with long and short sounds. They also listened to Holst's Neptune and tried to draw the images that popped into their head whilst listening to the music - they found this really tricky, but tried their best.


In RE, we considered the benefits of Muslim prayer, the children came up with lots of good ideas which included helping people to focus, clearing your mind and becoming more involved in your beliefs.


In Zones of Regulation, we thought about the size of our problems and had to rate certain problems, for example, a flood would be a 5, but breaking the shoelace on your trainers, although frustrating, would only be a 1.


We had our second yoga and mindfulness session, I was very impressed with the childrens focus and enthusiasm.


Finally this week, we welcome our newest member of staff to Nurture - Miss Snow will now be with us full time. 


We hope you have a great weekend.


Nurture: Spring 1 - Week 2


A busy week in Nurture, we started our new English text, 'Stanley's Stick'. We found a magic stick in our classroom, it can be used as anything! The children thought of lots of uses for the stick and explained what it could do. We visited Oxleas Woods to collect sticks, leaves and to see if we could see any woodland animals. The weather was terrible, but we still had lots of fun, jumping in muddy puddles, sheltering from the rain and exploring the woods.


In computing, we have continued with our digital music topic. We really enjoyed creating patterns, first using counters and percussion instruments and then Chrome Music Lab. In RE, we learnt about The Shahada (shahadah) is the Arabic term for the declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger. The children enjoyed looking at the beautiful prayer mats and using the compass to find Mecca. 


We had our second yoga and mindfulness session, it was lovely to see our relaxed everyone was at the end. In art, we have started our Nature Art unit, we used sticks, leaves and petals to create a woodland mobile.



Nurture: Spring 1 - Week 1


We hope that you had an enjoyable break? it was lovely to welcome back all of the boys and a special warm welcome to Lyla-Mae who has joined the class.


It has been good to get back into routine and the children have been working hard. This week, we started our new computing unit which focuses on creating music, we listened to Holst's The Planets and thought about the different pieces made us feel. 


We have continued to work really hard in both maths and English, we will begin our new English topic next week and hope to visit Oxleas Woods as an introduction- I will be sending out a Parentmail.


The children also enjoyed their first yoga session in the hall, they were really settled and enjoyed the centering activity.


We hope that you all have a restful weekend. As ever, do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Kate & the Nurture Team

Nurture: Week 1 Spring 1

Nurture: Autumn 2 - Week 7


We have made it... the last day of the Autumn term!


The boys have worked so hard on their academics and also their behaviour. We have had lots of fun over the weeks, but I think we are ready to recharge our batteries. 


Miss Sutton, Miss Eccleston and I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful 2023 to come. Stay safe and keep warm.


Best Wishes


The Nurture Team

Autumn 2: Week 6


We have begun to feel very festive in Nurture! Our class elf, who we now know is called Elfvis, has been up to lots of mischief and has kept the boys entertained.


We have continued to work on our text The Snowman. This week, we have written in role as The Snowman and have created conversations between him and the boy. In science, we used our senses to explore a variety of different fruits and veg. We pretended to be market sellers and created signs for our stall after identifying and classifying everything.


It was fantastic to see so many people at our carol service, it was really lovely to see the children's faces when they saw parents / carers in the hall. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Nurture: Autumn 2 - Week 5


We have had a great week in Nurture. For the remainder of this term, we have been joined by Mythias, Raheem and Miss Eccleston, it is lovely to be joined by our old classmates.


As you will have seen from the main class page, we were suprised on Monday, with a wintry scene - melted snow, footprints, a carrot and some coal to name just a few things. we have since discovered that these belong to The Snowman. We loved creating snow movements to the music, using our Talk to the Hand activity to make predictions and also sequencing the beautiful pictures from the story.


In science, we conducted a sound experiment, thinking about how distance begins to mute sound. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to go The Horniman Museum and took part in a fantastic Habitats workshop.


We have all been working hard on our maths skills all week!

Nurture: Autumn 2 - Week 4


Yet another busy week for the boys in Nurture. We began the week, with computing, experimenting with lighting and its effects on photographs. Some of our photos were amazing, whilst in others, we could barely see what we were taking pictures of. 


We continues to learn about Remembrance Day in history, this week, we read a beautiful book called 'Where the Poppies Grow Now' by Martin Impey, it is the story of  the carefree childhood of Ben and his best friend Ray which becomes a distant memory when they join the army to serve their country. the book stimulated an amzing conversation with regards the fact that young men, barely more than boys, went to fight to protect their country and its people. We created some beautiful poppy paintings which the children will be bringing home soon. 


In PHSE, we have been thinking about bullying and how to both prevent it and stop it in its tracks. Again, the childrens thoughts and feelings about the subject have been really thought provoking. 


Music continued to be the highlight of the week, this week our genre was Bhangra and once again the boys were able to thoughtfully appraise and appreciate the music. 

Nurture: Autumn 2 -Week 3 


This week, we have been trying to keep our spirits up, despite the wet weather and dark mornings! We have been scaring ourselves, imagining what lives in the Forest of Sin, in the Minpins. The boys wrote some interesting setting descriptions to explain what Billy may have seen. They also thought about how he might have felt when he believed the monster was behind him. 


In science, we carried out an experiment for Mr Collard. He had suggested that we would have to purchase bigger gloves for the pupils in school that have big feet. We wanted to discover whether he was right. We measured our hands and feet to the nearest centimetre and created a table of our results. We found that Mr Collard was indeed right, those pupils with large feet also had large hands - we better get Mr Collard shopping!


In music, we found our groove listening to Latin music, the boys listened closely and were able to answer questions about the song's composition - Livin La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin. Their dance moves were also amazing.


In computing, we used a paper photo frame to experiment with taking either portrait or landscape photographs - this helped us to work out which format would produce the best photograph.


Today, we celebrated Children in Need Day, many of the staff and pupils came to school in their pajamas and donated money to this amazing charity - many thanks for your support. We had lots of fun playing completing various Pudsey challenges.

Nurture: Autumn 2 - Week 2


Another brilliant week for the boys in Nurture. We began the week with the hook for our new book 'The Minpins', we had to think of a set of silly school rules and the consequences of breaking them! We also created some very intersting adjectives to describe our monster - we joined a noun, verb and suffix together: teeth - munch - ing !!!!!


In computing, we learnt about portrait and landscape formats and why we use each format for different photographs. In history, we created a timeline looking at the significant events in our lives, we also started a zigzag book to show what we do on each of the days of the week - it appears Friday's are popular.


In science, we looked at photographs of everyone as babies. We loved how we all look very different! We had to think about how we change as we get older and whether we only get older on our birthdays. We compared baby photos with current ones.



Nurture: Autumn 2 - Week 1


What a great first week back! It was lovely to hear the boys holiday news and they all returned to school, excited for both Halloween and Bonfire Night. I do hope that you were able to enjoy the displays, despite the weather!


We have spent a good part of the week, writing up our class version of Billy & the Beast. The boys have each taken different sections and have produced an excellent sequel.


We have continued to work in our new maths groups. Some of the boys have been looking at number patterns, this has proved challenging, but they persevered and have a better understanding now. Another group are looking at the place value of numbers to 1 000, 000, again, this has not been easy, but they have tried their best and there has definately been a realisation that presentation in maths aids calculation. Our third group has been looking at the 2x, 5x and 10x tables, their recall is more rapid and they are beginning to find switching between the tables a little easier.


We had a fantastic start to our new science topic - Amazing Me. The boys brought in baby photpgraphs and we played a matching game with our grown up pictures. We had some excellent discusssion around why we had matched certain pairs, for example, skin tone, the shape of ears, smiles and hair colour. 


In computing, we have started looking at digital photography. The boys had several challenges to complete, including close ups, selfies and long distant shots.


In PHSE, we talked about the structure of many differnt types of families. Some of the boys inititally felt that a family could only be a mum, a dad and 2 children. By the end of the session, they realised that families come in all shapes and sizes and there is no 'normal'.


We finished the week, with a fantastic PE lesson. Nurture and Nook now have PE together, the new dynamic was really successful and the boys showed great sportsmanship whilst beginning their invasion games sessions. 

Nurture: Autumn 1 - Week 6


The boys have been busy this week. We had a surprise visit from Billy, the character from our book, she had hidden lots of interesting things in her hair to help to defeat the Terrible Beast! 


We have been trialling different maths groups this week, it has worked out well and the boys are enjoying working as part of a group.


In RE, we have been learning more about the festival of Diwali, we created some beautiful rangoli patterns and have used these to decorate the classroom. We have been playing Zones bingo to help us to  to think about which emotions are each different zone. 

Nurture: Autumn 1 - Week 5


The highlight of the week was our RE session. The boys reenacted the story of Rama and Sita, it was fantastic to see how much detail they remembered and obviously their acting skills were BAFTA worthy!

Nurture: Autumn 1 - Week 4


A really busy week in Nurture. In English, we have been looking at the suffix -ed and changing words from past to present tense. We also wrote statements about the front cover of the book and questions to match them.


we have been focusing on number in maths, some of the boys have been looking at number bonds, some at place vale and others are developing their understanding of multiplication.


In RE, we listened to the story of Rama and Sita - there was lots of discussion about the ten headed demon-king Ravana. The boys decorated their diva lamps and also wrote postcards, pretending to be Rama or Sita. In science, we continued to learn about food chains, we made our own food chains and thought about the habitats of a variety of animals. 

Nurture: Autumn 1 - Week 3


This week has been assessment week at Waterside. The boys have had to work through several tests, covering maths skills, reading and spelling. They have worked so hard and have coped really well throughout. They were all very relieved to get to the end of the week and be told that the tests were finished!


We have spent today enjoying a brilliant PE session with Mr Thomas, as well as mindfulness and beginning our Zones of Regulation lessons. The boys are already getting the hang of 'checking in' throughout the day to consider which zone they are in and how this makes them feel and behave.

Zones of Regulation video for children. Learn about feelings and emotions.

Nurture: Autumn 1 - Week 2


We have had a busy week in Nurture. the boys were very surprised to arrive in school to find giant footprints across our classroom and moving down the stairs! They also found some green fur and our fruit had been stolen... An eyewitness (Mr Walter), reported seeing a mysterious creature stomping through the building - apparently he was terrified! The boys created wanted posters in order to help to track down this terrifying beast.


In science, we looked at food chains and went out into the garden to hunt for signs of a food chain. we found lots of nibbled leaves, some feathers and even a small bone. 


In R.E, we have begun to learn about Diwali, we had great fun making our clay diva lamps. possibly one of the favourite activities of the week was making yarn sticks, the boys were incredibly creative and focused and the finished mobile is beautiful. 

Welcome to the Nurture Class Page


Welcome to our class page, you will always be able to find out what we have been learning about here. If you have any questions or just need to talk to either Miss Sutton or myself, please call the office. 


You will be pleased to know that the boys have settled well after the summer break. We welcome back old pupils and also have some new starters with us, it has been wonderful seeing them start to forge friendships and the classroom has been filled with laughter.


We have spent the majority of the week settling into a routine and have been looking at our class code of conduct. The boys enjoyed their first P.E lesson with Mr Thomas (our sports coach), they had lots of fun and managed their behaviours well.


We also celebrated Blake's 10th birthday with lots of cake and party goodies, the boys even had a dance party.


Sadly, as you know HRH Queen Elizabeth II, passed away yesterday. The boys were able to share their thoughts and feelings about the Queen through class discussion and also took part in a minutes silence during our school assembly. It was lovely to hear their memories of the recent Jubilee celebrations. 
