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Summer 2 - Week 7


Wow! We cannot believe it is the summer holiday already. Since I have been the children’s teacher, I have been immensely proud of their successes and have thoroughly enjoyed having them in my class. I will be taking the boys up to Year 6 and I am looking forward to seeing them continue to grow and flourish. 


In English this week the children wrote a biography on Philippe Petit and then we published these on a Chromebook. 


In Maths the children have been making good progress with division, mass and angles.


We had our last RE lesson where we thought about what commitment means to us and then represented this in a poem. 


Of course we have had some fun this week too before we all say goodbye for summer. We have played lots of games, produced some art work. Every morning the children have enjoyed taking part in 5 a day!


We hope you have a lovely summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you back in September. 


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 2 - Week 6


In English this week the children write speeches to a Judge pretending they were Philippe Petit. They tried to convince him they have should not be prosecuted for walked across the towers. They also grouped and organised facts to support with their biography writing next week. 


In Maths the children have been making good progress with division, mass and percentages. 


We had our last computing lesson this week. The children organised databases to find a range of answers to questions. 


In PE, the children practised their skills for sports day. On Wednesday the whole school took part in a fantastic sports day event. They competed in jumping, running, throwing and even got some time on a bouncy castle assort course. Thank you to all the parents and carers that came along and supported. 


On Thursday we had a visit to the AirCraft Circus. The children got to try different circus skills, aerial skills and even walked on a tightrope like Philippe Petit.  


In our Zones lesson, we discussed the tools which have worked in our class and created a bar chart to show their effectiveness. 


The children finished the week off by writing letters to their future selves. They thought about their hopes and dreams for when they are older. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 6


In English this week we continued to look at “The man that walked between the towers”. The children pretended to be reporters and thought about how witnesses of Philippe walking the towers felt. 


In art, we continued to look at Andy Goldsworthy’s work and created their own square sculptures. 


In science, the children looked at how to separate materials. They looked at filtering, evaporation and sieving. They got to make predictions and they carry out the investigations. 


In Zones this week, we thought about the zone we were in at different parts of the day. We then through about the tools we could use to help us stay in the green zone. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 2 - Week 5


This week we have had ‘Creative Week’ at Waterside. The children have taken part in a range of different activities. On Monday we had a ‘Bringing books to life’ workshop where the children got to act and dance. They read the book ‘Where the Wild things are’ and performed this to each other. The boys have made monster masks and created their own salt dough monsters. They also made food boats and created paintings using vegetables. On Thursday classes took part in a Blocco Workshop and later in the day we showcased our new skills. Some of the children came dressed in “wild” clothing which really brightened up the classroom.


In English this week the children have written a letter to Philippe Petite and a diary entry. They have used a range of conjunctions to extend their writing and have even use the past perfect tense. 


The children have been continuing the maths work and have been making some great progress. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 2 - Week 4


On Monday we visited the Ragged School Museum. The children pretended they were in the Victorian era and participated in a Victorian lesson. They children found out about how strict the teachers were during this time and learn more about the punishment techniques used. We then had a brief history lesson about the building itself. 


In English this week we have started reading our new book: The man who walked between the towers. The children have thought about the type of characteristics of the man, have grouped together facts about the World Trade Center and have used modal verbs in complex sentences. 


The children have been working hard in maths, dividing 3 digit numbers with renaming, diving, adding decimals and comparing different masses. 


In PSHE, the children learnt about genes and how we inherit certain trains from birth parents. The children discussed similarities and differences they have with a parent. 


Some of the boys in Cedar took part in a football match against Mulgrave school. It was great to see their skills and to watch them represent the school with pride. 


In Zones, the children thought about specific tools they can use to help them when they are in the yellow zone. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support. On Thursday 29th, the children can come to school in “wild” clothing and please remember that Friday 30th is a staff training day. 


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 2 - Week 2


This week the children finished their work on Shackleton’s journey and produced some fantastic newspaper reports which they should be proud of. 


We received a mysterious bag on Thursday morning, containing lots of different items. We couldn’t work out who the bag belonged to so we looked at the items and made predictions based on the contents. The children decided that it must be linked to our new book. 


The children have been working hard in maths, dividing 3 digit numbers with renaming, adding decimals and starting to look at mass. 


In PE, the children practised their vertical jumping skills with Miss Sutton. 


In Science, we looked at soluble materials and looked at what happens to these substances when they are put in water. 


On Tuesday afternoon, we came back from lunch to find bread and squash waiting for us. We learnt about communion and how this helps Christians show their commitment to God. 


In computing, we continued to sort fields and search for particularly information. This helped us to answer more specific questions. 


On Monday, we need to leave for our trip at 9am so please ensure you child is in before is time. They can come in anytime form 8.30. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 2 - Week 1


Welcome back. We hope you all had a lovely half term break.


On our first day back, we had a very exciting visit to The Natural History Museum. We took tubes and trains to London and then had a Volcanoes and Earthquakes show. The children were asked to be scientists and help a village that had an active volcano. We then had a look around the earthquakes and volcanoes gallery and even got to see a real suit someone wore going up an active volcano. The children behaved impeccably and should all be very proud of themselves. 


In English, we are writing our final pieces for our Shackleton’s journey book. The children are pretending they are journalists and have started to write their newspaper reports on the events of The Endurance. 


The children have been working hard in maths, multiplying 3 digit numbers with renaming, diving, comparing fractions and decimals and adding and subtracting measures. 


In History, the children learnt more about how London changed and expanded over the Victorian era. the children were surprised to see how small London started off as. 


In science, we conducted an experiment to see which type of paper would be best for takeaway food. We made predictions and then tested the paper’s strength, absorbency and suitability.  


You will have received letters about our next school trip, so please keep an eye out for these. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 6


Another half term done and what a busy one it has been! 


The children have been working hard in maths, multiplying 3 digit numbers with remaining, comparing decimals and adding and subtracting measures. 


On Monday, we took a brief visit to the local church and met Reverend Timmy, who helped us explore our question of “how do Christians show their commitment to God”. We explore how the church helps Christians to connect and be part of a fellowship. 


In computing, the children learnt about computer data bases. They were able to sot information to find the answers to questions and could comment on the different ways to view this information. 


In English, the children became reporters. They learnt how to make notes and how to turn these into direct speech later on. The children then recapped on the story and put the events in chronological order. 


On Friday afternoon, we celebrated Miss Eccleston’s special birthday, which was a perfect end to the half term. 


We hope you have a lovely half term break and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 5


This week has been a bit different, as it is has been assessment week at Waterside. Despite the changes to routine, the children have been really focused.


In PE, Mr Thomas set up a range of rounders matches for the children to participate in. The boys all enjoyed this!


In PSHE we learnt about love and loss. The children discussed different emotions people feel when experiencing a loss and discussed the topic with maturity. 


In Art the children learn about Andy Goldsworthy. They looked at some of his work and then made their on sculpture: a leaf mobile.  


This week was Mental Health Awareness week. The children enjoyed coming into school wearing something green to support the cause. We discussed anxiety and how this impacts our lives but what we can do to help deal with the effects.  Some of the children got to enjoy a trip to the local cafe this week due to their sensible behaviour. 


We rounded up the week with a whole school treat of watching a film and having popcorn in the hall! 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 4


In English this week the children continued to read the text ‘Shackleton’s Journey’. They considered characters’ emotions at different parts of the book, made predictions and gave advice about what the crew members should do next. 


In RE, the children considered different ways the Christians show their commitment to God. They considered what of the 10 commandments they felt was most important and thought about ways that they can show love, peace, kindness and self control. 


The children sensibly took part in a mindfulness and yoga session in the hall on Monday. It was good to see them all take some time to focus on their breathing and their bodies. 


In Science the children thought which material would be the best insulator of hot water. We then conducted an experiment to investigate this. The children measured the temperate of the liquids over different intervals. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 3


In English this week the children wrote diary extracts using the present perfect tense and wrote a postcard as a character who was setting off on the journey with Ernest Shackleton. 


For our History lesson, we went to see the local church. We wanted to compare pictures of St John’s church in the Victorian times to what it is now. The children were amazed at how old the church is and that the pictures we had were real. 


We spent some time this week preparing for the King’s Coronation. The children decorated coasters and crowns. They then got to wear these at our school celebration. 


On Friday, the whole school got together for a special coronation party. We played games, tried on crowns and had a delicious breakfast. 


We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 2


In English this week the children wrote letters to apply to be one of the crew members on Ernest Shackleton’s journey to the Arctic. They then received personalised letters to invite them to an interview. They practised their interview skills and were all accepted as part of the team. They considered the most important equipment and justified their choices with cause and effect conjunctions. 


In Maths, the children have been working really hard using a range of resources.


Miss Stone held an additional assembly this week telling the children all about the positive impacts of a sensory circuit. The children then got to try the alert, organisation and calming zones in the circuit. Children are invited to join these regular sensory circuit sessions each morning. They throughly enjoyed joining in this morning.


We started our new Computing topic this week. The children thought about what a database is and then made their own paper versions of a database and thought about how they could organise them to answer specific questions. 


In Science we also started our new topic: properties of materials. The children thought about properties of different materials and considered the best material to use in a kitchen at a food festival.  


In RE this term we are focusing on Christianity. Our question is “How do Christians show their commitment to God?’. This week we thought about whether it is ever okay to lie. We discussed the importance of being honest and watched an extract from “The Hidden Place” and discussed why one woman lied to German soldiers to protect the Jews and why another thought it was best to be honest. The children discussed this with maturity. 


We finished the week with a Zones lesson discussing the difference between “little problems” and “big problems” and how we react to these. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Summer 1 - Week 1


Welcome back. We trust you all had a lovely Easter break. 


The children have settled back into school and we have welcomed a new pupil this week. 


In English this week the children we given some ice with frozen figures inside and asked to explore. They found all sort of things hidden and started to asked questions about what it may be for. Later in the week, their new book ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ was revealed to them. This is an exciting book and we think the children will thoroughly enjoy it. 


Earlier in the week one of the boys had a very special birthday so we celebrated with cake, dancing and a party. 


In Maths, children have been comparing measurements and using place value counters and the formal written methods to multiply harder sums involving renaming. 


We have also started our new History&Geography topic this week. We are looking at the Victorians: Local Streets. The children thought about how different streets in London would have been in the Victorian Era and compared landmark places in London to see what had changed.


In PSHE, we discussed jealously and the children thought about this emotion and how we can try to deal with it. In Zones, we looked at specific breathing techniques and discussed the impact this has on us when we are in the yellow or red zone. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 2 - Week 6


The last week of the Spring Term! 


In English this week the children have been planning, writing and finalising their final poems. The children chose to write about matters they are passionate about. They then decorated a canvas in the style of the artwork in ‘Change Sings’ and then published their work for a whole school display. Look how amazing they are! We then discussed how to perform a poem and each of the children shared their poem with others. The children have really enjoyed this book and we look forward to embarking on our next adventure with our next text in the Summer Term. 


In Maths, children have been measuring, adding and subtracting mixed fractions, converting fractions and continuing with multiplication and division. We have been looking at different methods to multiply more difficult sums. 


In Science this week the children learnt more about the moon and how it looks like it changes shape. They then identified the different phases of the moon and labelled features of the moon. 


We have also finished our RE Sikhism topic. The children considered the initial question ‘Do Sikhism stories have any relevance today?’. The children were very mature in discussing this and came to the conclusion that yes, they do. The stories we learnt about all have morals of kindness, fairness and equality - things that are most definitely relevant and important in today’s society and in every religion. 


The children finished their school tour videos in their Computing lessons. They then reviewed these and made changes. They they uploaded them to iMovie and added sound to make their own mini films. 


Miss Stone led the Zones session this week. We discussed and tried different sensory tools and thought about how we can use these to help us in different Zones. 

All Kids Can invited us to an Easter egg hunt this week. The children were very quick at finding the treats. 


We finished off the week by making rice crispy cakes and designing our own Easter basket. 


We hope you have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back in April for the final term.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 


Spring 2 - Week 5


In English this week the children have thought about poetry features and identified these in our text ‘Change Sings’. We then used alliteration, rhyme and repetition to create catchy posters with slogans about matters they are passionate about. The children will write poems about these next week.  


Miss Stone led the assembly on Monday about Autism Awareness week. We then thought about all of our difference and the things that make us unique. We then wrote a range of sentences discussing our simulators and differences.


In Maths, children have been measuring, adding and subtracting fractions and continuing with multiplication and division. 


In PSHE, we discussed about ways to look after our body (including our minds). The children were sensible when thinking about the negative effects of social media and how they could respond to negative comments online. We discussed how important it is not to compare ourselves to why we see online as often it can be altered or even fake. 


in Geography, the children learnt about what a volcano is made of and they were able to label the different parts.  


Some of the children starting filming their tours of Waterside ready for our Computing lesson next week. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 2 - Week 4


This week it was STEM week here are Waterside and what a fun week the children have had!


On Monday we had a forensic workshop, where the children learnt about DNA profiling and how the police use clues and evidence to catch criminals. The children they got to have their own go and looking at evidence to work our who committed a crime.


On Tuesday, we attended a whole school assembly. The children found out a bit more about STEM week and got to take part in a range of activities: made boats out of foil and tested the weight they would hold using coins and weights; created cards using food colouring and shaving foam; and tried to make the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. In the afternoon, they had a STEM PE lesson with Mr Thomas where they tested paper aeroplanes and measured the distance they could fly.


On Wednesday, we had an acoustic workshop. The children learnt more about how sounds occur and got to take part in some different activities investigating acoustics. They made volcanoes and used some ingredients you may find in a kitchen cupboard to make a volcanic eruption. We also continued our science experiment of investigating shadows. We have wanted to do this for a while but the strange March weather has meant that we had to keep postponing it! Hopefully we will complete this over the next couple of weeks. 


On Thursday, we prepared for our Red Nose Day stall but creating and finishing off our personalised bracelets. We considered how much to sell these for to ensure we made a profit.


On Friday, in English we wrote a review for an Open Mic Night performance using relative clauses. We made some cards for some special people at home and we went in the hall with the rest of the school and sold our bracelets. We were proud to raise some money for Red Nose Day. Everyone commented on how amazing they looked and we enjoyed seeing and buying good from other classes.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 2 - Week 3


In English this week, the children have been very busy. They all wrote their own verse of a Change poem. They used abstract nouns and similes and considered other poetry features. We pretended to visit a open mic night and watched Amanda Gorman’s speech with snacks and juice. We then described her performance using adjectives. We considered which described her best. At the end of the week we created up levelled sentences with relative clauses. 


In Maths, the children have been continuing their working on fractions, multiplication and division. Two groups are ready to move on to the next chapter next week.


in PSHE, we discussed how to help people in emergency situations. We learnt about DRABC and had a go at practising the recovery position on each other. 


In Music, we compared the ‘Stop Bullying’ song with Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t stop the feeling’. The children made comments about the tempo, instruments used and the similarities and differences between the two songs. 


In Zones, the children looked at their own triggers. We discussed what may cause them to get into the yellow or red zone and discussed how knowing our own triggers can help us avoid stressful situations and give us the tools to help us manage our emotions. 


In RE, we continued to explore whether Sikh stories have relevance to our lives today. We looked at the story of Baha Lalo Ji and discussed the moral and how we can all show compassion to others. 


in Geography, the children learnt about the difference between active, dormant and extinct volcanoes and then we used an atlas and a map to locate specific volcanoes and the ring of fire.


we also made some flaming pinwheels in our mindfulness lesson today. 


Next week is STEM week and we look forward to taking part in a range of different activities. Friday is Red Nose Day and children are encouraged to wear as much red as possible. Please see Mr Collard’s email with further information. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 2 - Week 2


This week started with an assembly which was interrupted by some mysterious boxes and cases being delivered. There was a letter from Amanda Gorman (famous poet) and she had left each class a copy of her book ‘Change Sings’. This will be the book that we are looking at in English this half term. The children have described Amanda’s performance, identified abstract nouns, thought about how they can change the world and made a mural. 


In Maths, the children have been practising their working on their fractions, multiplication and division and deepening their understanding of these concepts.


In computing, the children planned their own short film using a story board. They considered the script and best film techniques for each shot. 


The children have been good at using their zones to identify the zone they are in during different points of the day. We they discussed what others might be thinking or feeling when they are in these zones. 


On Thursday it was World Book Day. We loved seeing the children dressed up! The children also got to take part in a range of activities. Take a look! We also had a visit from Claire from ‘Hope not Hate’. The children were very mature during this insightful workshop. We discussed discrimination and prejudice and thought about how this can make people feel. 


We also discussed the Science experiment that we will be conducting next week. We thought about the dependent and independent variables and planned the best method to carry out the experiment effectively. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 2 - Week 1


I hope that you all had a lovely half term.


The children have been finishing off their work on ‘Hidden Figures’ this week. They have become more confident in using a range of conjunctions and have published their own blurbs for the book. 


In Maths, the children have been identifying and using odd and even numbers, working on their fractions and some children have been using their multiplication and division knowledge to solve multi step word problems. 


This week in music the we looked at a new piece. The children discussed what they liked and disliked about the piece and commented on the genre, instruments, tempo and pace of the piece. We then moved to the rhythm in different ways.


We have started the second part of our ‘Earth Matters’ Geography topic this week. This term we are looking at volcanoes. We discussed the basics about volcanoes and what we already know. Then using plasticine, the children created their own models of the layers of the earth and labelled them.


Mr Thomas taught the children some volleyball skills this week. The children enjoyed this sport and learnt some new skills. 


The children have been good at using their zones to express how they are feeling. This week they looked at idioms and decided which zone they were representing.


On Tuesday it was pancake day and the whole school enjoyed adding some delicious toppings to their pancakes. Miss Stone taught everyone about the meaning behind Pancake day in our assembly this week. 


We ended Friday afternoon with a mindfulness session where the children designed emotion character cups.  


Next week we have more interesting  activities for the children and we look forward to celebrating world book day. Remember children can come to school on Thursday dressed as their favourite character from a book. Please see Mr Collard’s email for more information.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and please do not hesitate to email or call if you would like any further information or support.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 1 - Week 6


A half term complete! What a fun, hardworking and enjoyable half term it has been. Both Miss Eccleston and I have enjoyed seeing the children come together and have been proud of their efforts. 


The children have been continuing their hard work in maths and English and it is clear they are becoming more confident with the mathematical concepts. 


The children have really enjoyed the Science Space topic and this week we learnt about the heliocentric model for the universe and found that that many years ago people thought the Earth was at the centre of the universe. We then many our own model to show the size of the planets and how they rotate around the sun. 


In computing, the children practised their camera techniques and followed a story board to create a short film. We then analysed each other’s filming and the pros and cons of different filming techniques for different situations.


This week was children’s mental health week and the whole school started off the week with a group mindfulness session. We then ended the week with a whole school film session watching “Inside Out”. The children even got to enjoy some snacks whilst watching the film. 


In PE this week, the children we taught some more badminton skills. But this week, Mr Collard was their teacher. 


We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing half term and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 20th February. 


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 1 - Week 5


The children have been working hard this week and have produced some great work.


In maths we have continued with our topics and the children are using a range of resources and methods to show their understanding. 


This week the children used the chrome books to write an official report on the moon landing. They then edited and improved their work to make it sound formal and official. 


In Geography, we looked at the effects of an earthquake and found out more about how other countries protect themselves. The children practised a earthquake drill that many children in other countries would be very familiar with. We discussed the features that make a building more suitable for earthquake prone areas and use this knowledge to make their own structures out of straws and marshmallows.  


In PSHE, the children have thought about the advice they can give to others who may face upset and disappointment when their dreams don’t come true. 


In PE, the children have been enjoying learning more badminton skills with Mr Thomas. 


The children really enjoyed our anti bullying Music song “stop” this week... I think it is safe to say that it is stuck in all of our heads!


All children have been really good at expressing and understanding their emotions by using our zones of regulation display every day. In our zones lesson this week, the children looked at pictures of themselves when they are in different zones and thought about how their body changes in each zone. Can you work out which zone the children are in?


Only 4 school days left until half term! We cannot believe how quickly this half term has gone... it only seems like yesterday that I (Miss Bromfield) was meeting the children for the first time! 


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 1 - Week 4


We started the week with a special 10th birthday. We enjoyed cake, snacks, music and even some party games. As it was Chinese New Year, the children also decorated some dragon mask to represent the dragons in the Chinese dragon dances. Can you spot who is behind each mask?


on Monday we also had a computing lesson where the children looked at different camera shots and decided when you would use each one. 


In Maths this week two groups have been working on multiplication and division and some of the children have moved on to reminders. The other group have continued their work on line graphs and have begun drawing their own line graphs.


We have been continuing our work ‘Hidden Figures’ in Literacy this week. The children wrote some fantastic letters from a character’s perspective to their children giving them advice for their future. They also wrote a diary entry to describe a remarkable day in history when Dorothy Vaughan and her tea used the first computer machines at NASA. They children have learnt how to use superlative, adjectives, contractions and conditional sentences.


In Science, we looked at the different planets and their differences in size and distance from the sun. We then used different fruits and other foods to represent the different planets. We they looked at the distance of these planets from the sun and scaled them down and place them in the correct position. 


In RE, we are continuing the Sikhism topic and we looked at the story of Baha’i Kanhaiya. We discussed the moral and what lesson it was teaching people and we also considered how we could also learn from these teachings. 


We finished the week with some yoga and discussing the things we can do to help us when we feel angry or upset. We also though about how people may feel when we are in each zone. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Spring 1 - Week 3


This week the children have continued their Literacy work on ‘Hidden Figures’. The children found out more about Mary Jackson and used a range of adjectives to describe what she was like when she had to overcome different challenges. The children were also able to use these words throughout the week in different subjects. We looked at informal writing this week and discussed using contractions when writing to someone informally. 


In Maths, two groups have been working on multiplication and division and they have been used a range of maths resources to help them with this. The other group have moved onto reading and comparing line graphs. 


In PSHE, the children looked at the story ‘Salt in his shoes’ by Michael Jordan and discussed how he almost gave up his dream of becoming a basketball player but was patient, hardworking and resilient and never gave up on his dreams. The children considered their own hopes and dreams for the future. We have also reflected on times that we have been in the different zones this week and discussed the zones people may be in for different scenarios. 


In PE the children have been practising their Tennis skills and building on their knowledge with Mr Thomas. 


We finished the week with a mindfulness activity where we thought about the things that help us to feel happy, calm and relaxed.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Miss Zoe Bromfield and Miss Mel Eccleston 

Cedar: Spring 1 week 1&2


I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas break, although that feels so long ago now. 


Firstly, I would like to say hello to all of the Cedar children’s parent(s)/carer(s). As I am sure you know by now, I am the children’s new class teacher. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of the children and learning as much as I can about them. 


I know that the children are all glad to be back together and are glad to have some more normality to their school day. We have been establishing routines and learning lots already.


Over the last two weeks, the children have been looking at the book ‘hidden figures’ and we have been discussing different characters emotions at different points in the story. The children all wrote some great persuasive letters to a judge explaining why Mary Jackson should be allowed to attend the engineering school. The children have approached this book with maturity and sensitivity. 


In maths we have been recapping some of the previous learning to ensure that we are are ready to move on: one group has been looking at time; another group at timetables; and another group at sharing. 


We have started looking at Space in Science and the children are looking forward to investigating this further. In Geography, the children learnt about tectonic plates and we even demonstrated this using ketchup.


We look forward to meeting/speaking with more of the children’s parent(s)/carer(s) in the up coming weeks and we look forward to seeing how amazing the children in Cedar class can be.


Miss Zoe Bromfield & Miss Mel Eccleston 




Cedar: Autumn 2- Week 4


In Zones, the children have been thinking about their zones. we were demonstrating how we look in each zone, with a focus on the the yellow and red zone.


The class made a chart to reflect their emotions during the course of a day.


we had lots of fun in science, we used a tuning fork to demonstrate sound disrupting the water as it travels through it. We then made paper cup and string phones, the children could not believe that they ACTUALLY worked and that we could here one another all the way down by the The Hub!


Cedar: Autumn 2- Week 3 


Cedar class have been working on our zones during English. Our Literacy tree text is a book called Cinnamon -it is about a princess who is blind. We discussed how we thought she would feel when she first touched the tiger and what emotions we thought she could possibly feel. To help us understand and experience having no sight, we had to put our hands in a bag and feel rather than see what was inside (it was a fluffy fox), we then we had to describe what emotions and sensations we felt. 

Our maths focus this week is on times tables, we all work differently in class, so our groups are looking at:

Group 1  2, 5 and 10 times tables

Group 2 the 9 times table 

And the 3rd group are looking at dividing 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.

Art this week focused on designing a diversity football kit for our team to wear at the World Cup. Our Zones lesson this week looked at expressing our emotions when in different situations.


On Friday we wore allowed to wear our pyjamas to school to raise money for Children in Need.

Cedar: Autumn 2 - Week 2


Cedar class have been working very hard on their new text 'Cinnamon'. They have been making inferences and finding evidence to support these from the book. They also created an advert based  the emotions felt by the family from the story.


In computing, they have been working on vectors and thinking about the layering of their pictures. They had a fantastic gymnastics session with Mr Thomas, demonstrating control and innovation in their moves. 


They have continued to work on their emotional literacy through our Zones lessons, this week, they thought about how they feel and behave when they are in the blue and green zones. 

Cedar: Autumn 2- Week 1


It has been a strange week for Cedar class, Mrs Bristow is now on maternity leave and the pupils have had to get to know new members of staff. They have all coped really well and have continued to remain focused on both their behaviour and their learning.


This week, we started a new English topic, this centres around the book Cinnamon by Neil Gaiman. It is a story set in a hot, hot country, ringed with mountains on one side and jungle on the other. A princess, called Cinnamon, lives in the jungle - her eyes are made of pearls, which means that she is blind. And, for reasons her parents the Rajah and Rani cannot fathom, she will not talk. So they offer a reward to anyone who can teach Cinnamon to speak. People travel from far and wide to attempt it, but nothing works. Until a mighty tiger, huge and fierce, prowls into their palace and announces that he is here to teach the girl-cub to talk ...


Our first sesssion focused on 'what we know', 'what we think we know' and 'what we would like to know' - the pupils are keen to find out what happens to the princess!

Autumn 1: Week 6

We had lots of fun painting in Art this week, we created mobiles out of the colourful painted egg cups. Take a look at our vectors, we used google drawing to create them and focused on ordering and layering the shapes. In English this week, we have create fronted adverbials and noun phrases to use in newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.

Autumn 1: Week 5

In Cedar class this week, we have continued our work on The Story of Tutankhamun in English. Our learning has included writing a telegram in the present perfect tense, as well as creating noun phrases to describe the sight when Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered. In Maths, we have focused on addition and subtraction and using the column method. We had great fun in our Science lesson this week, we carried out an experiment to find out what happens as food enters our digestive system. Finally, we completed our week with a fantastic yoga session on Friday afternoon.

Autumn 1: Week 4

A great week of work from Cedar class. We have created instruction booklets about how to mummify tomatoes, making sure we use imperative verbs and adverbs of time. We have also researched how important the River Nile was for Ancient Egyptians, did you know, they used it for transport and the fertile land around it was essential for growing crops. In Maths, we have focused on addition and subtraction, using different concrete resources to help us work out answers. We enjoyed some weaving in Art and showed excellent focus during our yoga session. 

Autumn 1: Week 3

In Cedar class this week, we have considered our different zones during our Zones of Regulation lesson. We watched some clips of Snoopy and decided how an why the different characters were experiencing different energy levels and what zones they would fall into. In English, we used some non-fiction books to research Ancient Egypt, we then used this research to create a non-chronological report. There was lots of hard work in Maths this week too, we have been focused on place value and number patterns. In Art, we have continued to work on fiber art, this week we have woven patterns on a loom. We have also started to create our own vectors on the computer in our Computing lesson.

Autumn 1: Week 2

Another fantastic week for Cedar class. We have started learning through our text 'The Story of Tutankhamun' in English and this week we have been archeologists, discovering different artifacts from this ancient time. We have also used our skills to research Ancient Egypt and gather information in the form of spider diagrams. In Maths, we have completed some excellent work on place value, using a variety of concrete resources, including value counters and base 10. For our fibre art project, we have practiced our weaving skills using wooden lollipop sticks and wool.

Autumn 1: Week 1

A great start to the year for Cedar class. We have enjoyed getting to know each other and creating self portraits using different mediums.

Term: Autumn 1

Take a look below to see what we will be covering in Cedar class this half term.


Cedar class are learning through the text The Story of Tutankhamun in English this term.


We learning through 'Maths No Problem'., starting with numbers to 10,000.


We are learning about Animals including Humans.


We are learning about Ancient Egypt.


We are taking part in invasion games.


We are learning about and creating our own vectors.


We are thinking about being ourselves.


We are focusing on creating art through using natural fibers.
