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  • CAHMS Workshop

    Thu 24 May 2018
  • Metro - Celebrating Diversity

    Thu 24 May 2018

    Super hero staff from both Waterside and Moatbridge receivedtheir Ambassador training last night from our good friends atMetro.

    We are, as you know, always looking for ways in supporting oursuper heroes - big and small, in all areas of their lives.

    The training focused on all areas of diversity - covering racism,sexism, homophobia and the negative language associated withthose areas.

    We are going to be looking at our policies to ensure that they areeven more inclusive as well as finding a way to give our superheroes the skills to deal with these situations.

    We will also be sending out guidance to you, as parents/carers sothat you are up to speed as well as offering training sessions too.
  • Consultation Document for ASD provision - Nook at Waterside

    Mon 14 May 2018
  • Peace Peace Love Love

    Thu 10 May 2018

    Eurovision and our Value of the Week


    You may have noticed that our Twitter feed this week has been a little bit Eurovisiony...and the staff daily briefing has been too! 




    Well, our value this week is Peace and the Eurovision Song Contest embodies this value so well - especially as a lot of the songs mention either peace or love in their lyrics!


    The Eurovision Song Contest or in FrenchConcours Eurovision de la Chanson, is the longest-running annual international TV song competition.


    It has been held, primarily, among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. The competition was based upon the existing San Remo Music Festival held in Italy since 1951. 


    The original idea was to unite Europe following the Second World War in an annual celebration of each others popular culture.


    Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live television and radio and then casts votes for the other countries' songs to determine the competition's winning entry.


    The contest has been broadcast every year for sixty-two years, since its inauguration in 1956, and is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world. It is also one of the most watched non-sporting events in the world,with audience figures in recent years quoted as anything between 100 million and 600 million internationally.


    Eurovision is broadcast outside Europe to several countries that do not compete, such as the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and China.


    Since 2000, the contest has also been broadcast over the Internet via the Eurovision website.


    Why not check out some of the more interesting Eurovision entrants and interval acts by tapping / clicking on the links below. We've even included a sign language version of our entry this year - Storm by Surie.


    United Kingdom 2018 Entry

    Finland Entry 2018 - in 43 languages!

    Sweden Eurovision Opening



