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Feedback from schools...

Statements given when ending support:


'The support provided for our Year 1 class has been exceptional. When the Waterside team initially came the class were very dysregulated and found it hard to even settle to learn. One might even use the words ‘out of control’. However, with intense support and continual advice the teacher has been able to manage the dynamics,  behaviours and encourage good attention and listening. We now have a class ready to progress. I am so grateful for this support for our school and cannot praise the staff enough.'


'It has enabled him to be more aware of his actions and needs.'


'Understands how actions effect himself and others.'


'Has made great academic progress.'


'Has an improved ability to play in the playground alongside peers.'


'Better concentration and far more keen to work hard and do his best.'


'Waterside have not given up and continued to be there when no one else has helped.'


'Waterside has given staff respite and has offered many ideas and strategies.'


'Your support has made such a difference to our wellbeing as well as the children's.'


'The support has been invaluable and there has been a significant decrease in incidents.'


'Waterside couldn't have done anymore. Great communication between Waterside & school. Good range of strategies and interventions. Staff are more confident and the de-escalation skills are more positive.'


Comment from a pupil: 


"Thank you for helping me and for all the fun."
