Information for Parents of Children Diagnosed with ADHD
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a medical condition thought to affect between 3 and 5% of school age children, making it one of the most common developmental disorders in children.
It affects those parts of the brain that control concentration, attention and impulsive behaviour. A child suffering from this condition shows disruptive behaviours over and above those of the same-aged children with similar intelligence and development.
These behaviours are more extreme than simple 'misbehaviour'.
If left untreated, the child is likely to perform badly throughout school, at home and in other settings and will probably find it difficult to make friends with other children.
If the above are ringing bells about your own super hero, then come and chat to us at school, as we can help with strategies and support.
If I feel that my child could have ADHD or DCD
what would a referral and assessment do?
If you or your school feel that an assessment is necessary, you and your child could go to see a GP, a Paediatrician, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist for further assessment, help and support.
During the assessment, the professional will look at birth details, development and academic ability, as well as a physical and neurological examination to exclude other medical conditions. An Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist will evaluate the child through standardised assessments and observations when he or she is playing and completing tasks in a number of areas:
Some other elements that can go hand in hand with a diagnosis of ADHD:
What are gross motor skills?
These are being able to co-ordinate your arms and legs which includes posture and balance. Children with poor gross motor skills can have problems with riding a bike, catching or throwing a ball, hopping or skipping, tripping and falling over, bumping into things and knocking things over.
What are fine motor skills?
These refer to hand skills and manual dexterity. Children with poor fine motor skills can have difficulties with using a pencil for drawing or writing, cutting with scissors, using a knife and fork, doing up buttons and zips when dressing or tying shoe laces.
What next?
Firstly, don't panic! Come and chat to the school and we can give you strategies to use both at home and in everyday situations to support your super hero with their needs. Most of the above can be helped with a variety of physical strategies, which will help develop their skills.