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Wow! We are at the end of the year for our AMAZING year 6 children. 


I would like to say how immensely proud I am of each and every one of the boys and how I have loved being their teacher for the last 18 Months.


I wish them every success in their secondary schools and for their future endeavours. Please stay in touch as all the children and their families will be missed.


From Mrs Ighavini

Summer 2 


Wow! How the year has flown by. We are approaching our last half term of this academic year and the boys’ last half term at Waterside. 

Firstly, all of the adults want to congratulate the Year 6 children on their dedication, determination and resilience towards their SATs and testing this half term. They should all be very proud of themselves - we certainly are!

When we come back after half term we only have 8 weeks to go and I have no doubt that it’ll be a half term full of alot of emotions. The boys will be excited about all of the fun things we have planned, apprehensive about Year 7, sad to leave Waterside. But rest assured, we will be supporting our Willow superheroes every step of the way. 

On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning in the last half term (Summer 2). 

If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office -on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Zoe Ighavini & Miss Eccleston

 Curriculum: Summer  2023-2024

English: Literacy Tree

In English we will be exploring the text ‘The Unforgotten Coat’. Children will explore the experiences of refugees and the reasons why people have to flee countries to seek asylum. This could be used in conjunction with Refugee Week. They will write extended narratives in the style of a journal, recorded as a series of diary entries.  There are also opportunities to write explanation texts about a science experiment, mirroring the text, as well as non-chronological reports, following research about Mongolia.


Geography & History: Ancient Greece

We will be learning about Ancient Greece. The boys will learn about the lifestyle and clothing of the Ancient Greek people. Research and design their own clothing and artefacts typical of Greek home life. They will also take part in whole class role-play, dressing up and feasting.


Computing: 3D modelling

In this unit, children will develop their knowledge and understanding of using a computer to produce 3D models. They will initially familiarise themselves with working in a 3D space, moving, resizing, and duplicating objects. They will then create hollow objects using placeholders and combine multiple objects to create a model of a desk tidy. Finally, the boys will examine the benefits of grouping and ungrouping 3D objects, then go on to plan, develop, and evaluate their own 3D model of a building.


Science: Evolution and Inheritance

The children will take part in a series of challenges and see if you can accrue enough points to make it onto the Game of Survival leaders’ board. Children will learn all about evolution and 

Adaptation and will find out more about the magnificent scientists involved in this field.  




Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

All our children have completed the Zones of Regulation lessons but we will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about their emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn. We will have a range of lessons where we revisit these skills. 


Our PSHE topic this half term is 'Changing Me'. The children will learn about how the body changes throughout the different stages of their lives. They will learn ways to coping positively with change.

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions led by Miss Sutton. This term they will be focusing on Athletics. There will be a sports day this half term too. Letter will go home with pupils later in the term. 

The children will continue to take part in ‘Outdoor learning’. They have thoroughly enjoyed getting muddy and busy in the mud kitchen and have created some great keepsakes so I am sure this will continue. 




Summer 1 


We only have one more term left - I cannot believe it. The children have been up to so much and have clearly learnt a lot in the lead up to their SATs. We hope you have a  relaxing Easter break week off and that the children are ready to come to school for the Summer Term. 

On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning this half term. At the end of each half term, I will update the page with pictures and videos of all the fun and exciting things we have been up to. . 

If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Zoe Ighavini (formerly Miss Bromfield), Miss Eccleston & Mr Walter



Curriculum: Summer 1 2023-2024

English & Maths: SATs Prep

The SATs will take place ong the 5th week of this half term. The children have been working so hard towards them and we could not be more proud of them all. For the first 4 weeks, we will be continuing with our SATs preparation lessons which will help them feel prepared and confident for these tests. The children will be working in smaller groups so that the lessons can be focused to each of the children’s needs.. The children will continue to listen to a class story in the afternoons. 


RE: Islam

This half term we will be focusing on the question ‘Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead a good life?’ They will be making interpretations of what the Qur'an says about life after death (Akhirah), actions a Muslim might take as Jihad, greater and lesser Jihad, how believing in Akhirah influences Muslims in their lives today.



This half term we will continue our music instrument lessons from Greenwich.


Computing: Spreadsheets

This unit introduces the learners to spreadsheets. They will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. The children will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. They will be taught how to apply formulas that include a range of cells, and apply formulas to multiple cells by duplicating them. 



Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

All our children have completed the Zones of Regulation lessons but we will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about their emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn.


Our PSHE topic this half term is 'Relationships'. The children will learn about different relationships they may have. How to maintain healthy relationships, what to do if they experience unhealthy relationships and they will also learn more about the relationship with themselves. 

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions led by Miss Sutton. This term they will be focusing on Striking/fielding.

The children will continue to take part in ‘Outdoor learning’. They have thoroughly enjoyed getting muddy and busy in the mud kitchen and have created some great keepsakes so I am sure this will continue.


Spring 2 


We had a nice short half term, however the children still had lots of achievements and learnt a lot. We hope you have a nice, relaxing week off and the children come back to Spring 2 ready to learn more and have more fun. 

On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning this half term. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures and videos of all the fun and exciting things we will be getting up too. 

If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Zoe Ighavini (formerly Miss Bromfield), Miss Eccleston & Mr Walter



Curriculum: Spring 2 2023-2024

English & Maths: SATs Prep

We want the children to be as prepared as they can be for the SATs, therefore we are continuing with our SATs preparation lessons which will help them feel prepared and confident for these tests. We will be teaching as normal and the lessons will be focused to each of the children’s needs, however we will not be following a class text in English. The children will continue to listen to a class story in the afternoons. 


Geography: Map Skills

The children will be learning all about maps this half term. They will take on this set of exciting and sometimes mysterious challenges to see if they can become a world-wide geography whizz and Olympic map champion. We are sure the children will enjoy these practical lessons. 


Computing: Creating media – Web page creation

This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. Children will learn what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values. They will then create their own project, focusing on design.




Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

We will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about their emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn.


Our PSHE topic this half term is 'Healthy Me'. The children will learn more about the importance of leading healthy lifestyles and changes they can make to ensure they stay healthy. 

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions led by Miss Sutton.

The children will continue to take part in ‘Outdoor learning’. I am sure they will continue to love exploring nature and getting muddy!


Spring 1 


Wow! What another fantastic term. The children have had so many achievements and have matured in so many ways. I can’t believe that one whole term is done. The children have celebrated Christmas with smiles and we hope you all have a lovely (well-deserved) Christmas break. 

On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning in Spring 1. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures and videos of all the fun and exciting things we will be getting up too. 

This term, we hope to go on some more trips and will have an open clubs evening (information will be emailed to parents nearer the time). 

If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Zoe Ighavini (formerly Miss Bromfield), Miss Eccleston & Mr Walter


Curriculum: Spring 1 2023-2024

English & Maths: SATs Prep

We want the children to be as prepared as they can be for the SATs, therefore we are planning lessons which will help them feel prepared and confident for these tests. We will be teaching as normal and the lessons will be focused to each of the children’s needs, however we will not be following a class text. The children will continue to listen to a class story in the afternoons. 


 Science: Electricity - Electric celebration 

In Science this term, we will be learning all about electricity. The children will make circuits and predict changes that will occur. They will learn all about how to stay safe around electricity. 


Computing: Creating media – Web page creation

This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. Children will learn what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values. They will then create their own project, focusing on design.


 RE: Christianity - Is anything ever eternal? 

This enquiry focuses on the Christian understanding of eternity and the Christian belief that God’s love for humankind is eternal in that God will never stop loving humanity.


Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

We will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about their emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn.

Our PSHE topic this half term is 'Dreams and Goals'. The children will learn more about the importance of having dreams and goals and how they can work towards these. 

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions, this half term focuses on ball and net skills and will be led by Miss Sutton.

This year the children will also be taking part in ‘Outdoor learning’. We are excited to show the children more of the wonderful outdoors area and get them to work closely with nature. 


Welcome to Willow Class

2023-2024 - Autumn 2

We hope you all have a lovely October half term and are making the most of the colder months. The children have had many successes this half term and we are looking forward to seeing what they will achieve next half term. We have another exciting half term planned and there are sure to be lots of themed events in the lead up to Christmas.

On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning this half term. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures and videos of all the fun and exciting things we will be getting up too. 

 We are hoping to book some trips and activities for the children this academic year, both linking to their topics and giving them new and exciting experiences. In the second week we will be having a whole school WW2 themed day, giving the children the opportunity to reflect on the importance of World War 2. In November, we will also be attending a whole school trip to Frameless at Marble Arch - an exciting immersive experience. On the 16th November we will be holding a club afternoon where we will be inviting you to find out more about clubs and groups in the local area that the Waterside children may be interested in. In December we will have a variety of themed Christmas events for the children and their families. As always, information and details regarding these events will be sent out nearer the time. 

If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Zoe Ighavini (formerly Miss Bromfield), Miss Eccleston & Mr Walter

Curriculum: Autumn 2 2023

English: The Island by Armin Greder

The Island is an astonishing and powerful picture book about refugees, xenophobia, multiculturalism, social politics and human rights. It tackles big themes in subtle ways with a fable-like text and stunning artwork that will provoke discussion for our pupils. 

We know that the children will embark on this text with maturity and will produce some really lovely pieces of work. They will produce a welcome guide, description texts, letter of advice, analysis, comparison texts, diary entry in role and a narrative sequel from a different character’s perspective.


Maths: Maths No Problem

The children will be working at different levels in their Maths. The children will be grouped and some may be working independently. We will be covering a wide range of topics, in order to prepare them for SATs, secondary school and the wider world. We will still be working on Timetables throughout the weeks and this is fundamental in Maths. We will be looking at Time, Algebra, Ratio to name a few of the topics. 


Science: Animals including humans: The art of being huma

In Science this term, we will be learning animals including humans: The art of being human. The children will explore more about the human body and how it works and will investigate, make predictions and draw conclusions based on theory findings.  



During our Music this half term, we will be following our Charanga programme. 


Computing: Creating media – Web page creation

This unit introduces learners to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose. Learners identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process learners pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths.


Geography: Biomes

This block teaches the children about the key aspects of climate zones, biomes and ecosystems. Children will create a Biome in a Bag and a DIY ‘Eden Project’ with its own mini guide or poster, based on their research using maps, globes, websites and a visit to a manmade biome. 


Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

We will be revisiting and learning more about the different Zones of Regulation. By revisiting the lessons, we hope the children will become more aware of their own feelings and emotions. We will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about their emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn.

Our PHSE topic this half term is 'Celebrating Differences'. The children will learn more about their classmates and what makes them all unique. They will learn more about members of society and consider all of the things that make us different and should be celebrated. 

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions, this half term focuses on Gymnastics and will be led by Miss Sutton.

This year the children will also be taking part in ‘Outdoor learning’. We are excited to show the children more of the wonderful outdoors and getting them to work closely with nature.  


Welcome to Willow Class

2023 - 2024

Autumn 1 


Welcome back to another school year! We hope you all had a lovely summer break and the children are ready to another exciting year ahead. We have lots planned and are excited to be in Willow class with the boys in their final year at Waterside. 


As I am sure you are aware, Myself (Mrs Zoe Ighavini - previously Miss Zoe Bromfield) & Miss Eccleston will be with the children for another year. We loved being the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant for the boys in Cedar class last year and are excited for another year together. Mr Walter will be joining our class for Maths and English lessons this year too. 


On this page, you will find information about the different topics and lessons the children in Willow class will be learning this half term. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures and videos of all the fun and exciting things we will be getting up too. 


We are hoping to book in some different trips and activities for the children this academic year. There will be a Parent Afternoon on the 21/9/23, this is a really informal opportunity for you to pop in for a meet and greet, get to know some of the other parents and hear about our activities for parents over the coming weeks. Mr Collard will be sending more information in due course. The children will participate in Assessment Week in week 2 of the term, this enables us to find out where gaps are for our superheroes and also their next steps, meaning we are able to adapt the curriculum directly for their needs. We are also planning to continue our 5 a Day whole school session, these are a great way to get our hearts pumping, have fun and get ready for our learning. In addition, we will also have our sensory circuit set up for children who need a reset throughout the day.


If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of Willow class via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Mrs Zoe Ighavini (formerly Miss Bromfield), Miss Eccleston & Mr Walter



Curriculum: Autumn 1 2023


English: Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers 

The children will be reading this kind, inspiring and beautiful text. It will spark lots of conversations about how we can look after the planet and ourselves. The children will continue to work on writing using a range of sentence structures whilst developing their grammar and punctuation skills. The children will then write, edit and publish their own blog giving advice to others.

Just remember to leave notes for everyone else… Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you’ve just got to be kind.


Maths: Maths No Problem

The children will be working at different levels in their Maths. The children will be grouped and some maybe working independently. We will be covering a wide range of topics, in order to prepare them for SATs, secondary school and the wider world. We will still be working on Timetables throughout the weeks and this is fundamental in maths.

Science: Light: Light Theatre Technicians

In Science this term, we will be learning about all things ‘Light’. The children will find out more about how its created, how it’s formed, how it moves. We will be conducting a range of experiments to find out more about Light and become even better Scientists. 


Art: Exploring Art Unit 1

During our art unit this half term, the children will be learning how to create abstract paintings, as well as creating art works using runny paints. Remember to check ‘X’ (previously Twitter) for pictures for their art work.


Computing: Computing Systems & Networks

In this unit, the children will explore how data is transferred over the internet. They will look at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration; they complete shared projects online and evaluate different methods of communication. Finally, they will learn to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.


RE: Islam – How do Muslims show commitment to God?

In this enquiry, the children look at the importance of the five pillars to most Muslims. They learn the beliefs behind the practices and understand how Muslims show commitment each day, highlighting the importance of Allah to Muslims. They will make connections to their own lives considering 5 things that bare the most important in their lives; how they show commitment at home and at school; and why is it important to put effort into important things.


Zones of Regulation, PHSE, PE & Outdoor Learning

We will be revisiting and learning more about the different Zones of Regulation. By revisiting the lessons, we hope the children will become more aware of their own feelings and emotions. We will continue to have daily check-ins and the children will understand and learn more about how their emotions how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn.

Our PHSE topic this half term is 'Being me in my World'. The children will learn more about their class mates and what makes them all unique. They will work towards creating their own class charter, detailing how they think they should behave in class and as members of society.

The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions, this half term focuses on invasion games and will be led by Miss Sutton.

This year the children will also be taking part in ‘Outdoor learning’. We are excited to show the children more of the wonderful outdoors and getting them to work closely with nature.  
