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At Waterside and within the Royal Borough of Greenwich, we believe that super heroes who may benefit from Nurture Group Provision should be identified as early as possible.

Although super heroes with a variety of Social, Emotional, Behavioural and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) would benefit from Nurture Provision, the Waterside provision does not form part of the main SEMH Primary, which is for older super heroes who have conduct disorders, but is for those who have experienced significant trauma in their young lives and whose early attachment difficulties, which may include neuro-developmental difficulties, are impacting on their Behaviour for Learning, their self-esteem and their ability to build appropriately positive relationships which enable them to thrive in a mainstream classroom.  

These are super heroes for whom their needs cannot reasonably be met within a mainstream classroom at the present time and so the two provisions offered by the Royal Borough of Greenwich accommodate their needs.
