Welcome to the Nook 2023-2024
This year in the Nook we have-
Miss Stone (leannestone@imperium.greenwich.sch.uk)
Mrs Grant, Miss Francis, Mr Walter (fridays)
On this class page, you will find information about what your child is learning in the coming weeks. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures of our wonderful pupils.
What's coming up for Summer 2 in the Nook? This half term we will be exploring-
English and Maths
As we recover from the SATs, we get back to enhancing our SPaG and Writing skills this half term and consolidating our times tables and written methods in Maths.
Science-We will be continuing with our topic-'Earth and Space'.
We continue to explore solar system, thinking about scale and distances. We will also be having a trip to the Science Museum to experience their space activities!
History-We continue with the Victorians this term; having explored the education reforms and the Victorian classrooms, we move towards a 'Dickensian London', Oliver Twist and even a trip to the Ragged School in London.
RE-We continue this half term with Christianity. Our enquiry is, 'What is the best way for Christians to show commitment to God?' We will attempt to draw conclusions to this question through investigating; worship, 10 commandments, prayer and beliefs.
Art-Exploring Animal Art and City Scapes.
Using a variety of different techniques and mediums, we will be creating funky pop-art animals, and cool city-scapes through collage, printing tecniques and more!
PSHE- Relationships and 'Changing me'.
Summer 2 will see the Nook looking at transitions and recognisong qualities in ourselves and others; thinking about internal and external changes and the courage to move forward and on to next steps!
PE-Athletics- We will be learning a variety of new skills this half term in all areas of Athletics and fitness.
Wishing everyone a great Summer 2 and hopefully some sunshine :)
Miss Stone
What's coming up for Summer 1 in the Nook? This half term we will be exploring-
English and Maths-We take one step- closer to our SATS this half term!
The Nook will continue to focus on their individulaised SPAG and Maths sessions, completing their homework to try and trabsfer their skills across contexts and build that ever important confidence in their skills!
Science-This half term we start a new topic- 'Earth and Space'.
We will be exploring our planet and the solar system, using art and technology to think about scales and find out the most intersting facts and figures (becoming 'Space presenters').
History-We will be taking a step back in time to the Victorians this term; we will be looking at Vicotrian schooling, making comparisons, thinking about poor attendance, access to education and how life would have been for Vicotrian children.
RE-Christianity. Our enquiry for this term is, 'What is the best way for Christians to show commitment to God?' Through exploration of different worship, prayer, practices, rules and beliefs, we will work towards answering our enquiry question and using evidence to support our indovidula conclusions.
Computing-We continue this half term with our topic- 'Programming: Patterns in shapes'. We will explore how to program a screen turtle, letters and understand how coding creates patters and repettition.
PE-Striking and Fielding. We will be learning the skills for Cricket and Rounders this half term, both from a fielder's and striker's point of view!
Wishing everyone a great Summer 1 and looking forward to lots of fun, trips and laughter too!
Miss Stone
What's coming up for Spring 2 in the Nook? This half term we will be exploring-
English and Maths
The Nook will continue to focus on their individulaised SPAG and Maths sessions; improving retention,transfer of skills across contexts, phonics, handwriting, timestables, reading comprehension and a rnage of writing for different purposes.
We will be continuing with our 'May the Forces be with you' topic; specifically moving on to look at levers and pulleys, surface friction, water resistance and air resistance.
As we continue with our 'Earth matters' topic, we shift our focus from earthquakes on to volcanoes. We will be exploring how volcanoes are ceated, where they are located in the World and what goes on inside a volcano!
Sikhism. We move closer to answering our enquiry question (looking at the relevance/importance of Sikh stories in the modern world), exploring morals, beliefs and understanding of other
This half erm we make a start on a brand new topic- 'Programming: Patterns in shapes'. We will explore how to program a screen turtle, letters and understand how coding creates patters and repettition.
Team games: We will be learning the skills for Volleyball this half term!
Wishing everyone a great Spring 2 and looking forward to some sunshine too!
What’s coming up in Spring 1, 2024?
Next half term in the Nook we will be-
Science- May the forces be with you, investigating forces and impact.
Geography- Earthquakes;causes, effects and impact
RE- Sikhism, thinking about Sikh stories and teachings and the modern world.
Music- Continuing our music lessons with Greenwich Music Service
PE- Net and wall games
PSHE-Dreams and goals
English-Honing our SPAG and writing skills
Maths- Arithmetic and reasoning skills
Outdoor learning- Exploring the outdoors through a pupil-led approach
See you all in 2024!
What’s coming up in Autumn 2?
Next half term in the Nook we will be exploring the following-
English- poetry topic (linked to WWII)
Maths-continuing with our individual Maths skills
Science- continuing to focus on music festival materials in “properties and their materials”, creating investigations to test materials for different purposes
History-continuing with Dinosaurs, but moving on to their extinction and fossils
Art- continuing with “exploring art” through the use of different materials and a range of techniques
RE- continuing with our enquiry,” How do Hindu’s show commitment to God?”
PSHE- Celebrating differences
Computing- continuing to focus on data and information; data logging
Zones of regulation
Outdoor learning
PE- gymnastics
We also have some exciting trips and special days in school so watch this space!
Miss Stone
What's coming up for Autumn 1 this year....
This first half term will see us settling in and getting to know our new peers, our new timetables and structure.
English- We start the year with a SPAG focus and a top -secret literacy text (to be revealed soon!) We will continue with daily phonics, spellings, reading and first news too!
Maths- we will continue with our MNP lessons; working on our independent maths skills and problem solving.
Science- Materials- looking at properties of materials-with a focus on music festival materials and working scientifically.
History-Dinosaurs- learning about the species of the Mesozoic Era.
RE- Hiduism- Enquiry question-What is the best way for a Hindu to show commitmenmt to God?
PSHE- All about me/ being me in my world.
Computing-Data logging; answering questions, data collection, logging and much more.
Art- Exploring Art; using a range of materials creatively, developing a wide range of art and design techniques and using a rnage of tools.
PE- Invasion games (led by Miss Sutton), exploring a rabge of skills through Netball and Hockey.
Zones of regulation- continuing to use our zones as a positive behaviour managemnt tool.
Outdoor learning (led by Mrs Grant)- exploring our environment, gardening, forest school skills.
Trips! We will also have plenty of trips and experiences- firstly- Danson park (week 1) to play in the water park and enjoy the sunshine!!!!