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Parental Guidance

We are always available to answer any of your queries - ask for Meic (Executive Head), Neal (Head of School), if you have any concerns.


Why not download some of our documents below as they may answer some of the questions you may have.


The super hero team at Waterside take safeguarding VERY seriously. To this end, all staff will have had:


  • received update training on Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2021, and have signed to prove that they have read it
  • completed the Safeguarding training led by the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) based on the presentation sent by the area LADO
  • regular update training as part of Staff INSET
  • completed emergency first aid
  • completed the safeguarding audit issued by the borough


The DSL for Waterside is Neal Collard and the Deputy DSL is Meic Griffiths. Please contact them if you have any safeguarding concerns.

