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Please do contact either myself or one of the Nurture team if you have any concerns or queries. Either call the office 0208 3177 659 or contact us directly

Mrs Scarbrow & The Nurture Team


Summer 2 2024

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed the half term break? 


As ever, we have a busy half term planned for Summer 2. We are really looking forward to Creative Week later this month - details will be going out via Parentmail shortly. We will also be having our annual Sports Day event, Miss Sutton & Mr Collard have been planning a spectacular event and we look forward to all the parents joining us, with a big fingers crossed for the weather!


We have a few trips planned, both themed around plants, firstly to an allotment, so that the children are able to see how neighbourhoods are able to grow their own food and then to a fruit picking farm in Swanley - we are hopeful there will be lots of berries for us to pick (& eat)!


Curriculum Coverage: Nurture Summer 2 2024


English: The Tiny Seed

This is the story of how a tiny seed travels from its parent plant and blows across seas, deserts and mountains, braving many hazards along the way, before finally finding a place to settle and grow into a beautiful flower so that the story can start again. 

We will be thinking about the journey of a seed, how to plant and care for it and writing instruction manuels to show people how to nurture their plants. 


Science: Plants

We will continue to think about how to care for plants, what they need to survive and how to care for them. We will think about the structure of plants and how plants support wider nature. 


Computing: Scratch

We will continue to devlop our programming skills, moving and changing our Sprites as independently as possible. 


RE: Rites of Passage - Judaism - How to show commitment to God

We will be thinking about our rites of passage, how old ypu have to be to go to school, to walk to school on your own, to make a sandwich yourself etc and how this relates to religious study.

Wow, that was a super busy half term - check out our pictures to find out what we got up to!

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed the Easter break? The children have arrived back, ready to embrace their new learning. We welcome Emmanuel to Nurture, he is being made to feel very welcome. 


As ever, we have a busy half term and several trips planned. Next week, we hope to go to Greenwich Park as part of our geography topic 'Our Local Area'. We will be travelling by bus and will explore the whole park, including the amazing play park. We will also visit several parks throughout the half term. 


Curriculum Coverage:


English: Lubna & Pebble

Lubna's best friend is a pebble. She found it on the beach when they arrived in the night, then she fell asleep in Daddy's salty arms. Lubna tells Pebble everything. About home. About her brothers. About the war. Pebble always listens to her stories and smiles when she feels afraid. But when a lost little boy arrives in the World of Tents, Lubna understands that he needs Pebble even more than she does . . .


The children will be making labels, writing thank you notes, creating speech bubbles, giving advice and writing postcards. It is a beautiful book and I am hoping they get a lot out of it.


Maths: Maths No Problem

As usual, the children continue to work on different topics, some are looking at time & money. Others are focusing on shape, but all of the children are working very hard. 


Science: Marvellous Materials

We continue to focus on everyday materials. The childre will explore a range of materials suitable for fixing a broken umbrella and test them using pipette to simulate raindrops. They will work with play figures frozen in ice, devising an investigation to release them. They will explore puddles and observe how they change, thinking carefully about what is happening: can you explain why a puddle changes?


Computing: Programming a Moving Robot

The children will be introduced to early programming concepts. They will explore using individual commands, both with other children and as part of a computer program. They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. 


Geography: Local Studies-Our School and Local Area -The Park

Through a series of activities children will build upon their knowledge of parks in their local area. They will explore features of parks and develop their geographical skills. Children will make a park model and present their research and findings in a park exhibition!


PHSE: Relationships

The children will learn about families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss. They will learn how to deal with conflict, build assertiveness skills and identify their own strengths and strategies for building self esteem and resilience.  Children will explore roles and responsibilities in families and friendship groups, and consider stereotypes. 

Please do contact either myself or one of the Nurture team if you have any concerns or queries. Either call the office 0208 3177 659 or contact us directly

Mrs Scarbrow & The Nurture Team

Welcome Back  - Spring 2 2024



A warm welcome back after the half term break, we hope that you had a chance to recharge your batteries in readiness for the second part of the spring term? We have another fairly short term, just over 5 weeks, but as ever, the Nurture pupils have lots of learning experiences to squeeze in.


A lot of this half terms learning focuses on being healthy and we have several educational visits planned linked to this. The children will be going to The Reach climbing centre where they will take part in a 90 minute taster session which  includes roped climbing and autobelays, as well as warm up and cool down games. We are also trying to organise a swimming session and Miss Sutton has lots of healthy challenges planned for us to enjoy throughout the half term. Finally, we are hoping to have a visitor from Greenwich Council in to talk to the children about road safety. 


Jennie, our speech and language therapist will continue to visit Nurture each week. The children will participate in whole class work in order to develop our social and emotional skills as well as focusing on individual speech and language.


Curriculum Coverage - Spring 2:


English: I Will Not Never Ever Eat a Tomato

Lola says, I do not eat peas or carrots or potatoes or mushrooms or spaghetti or eggs or sausages. I do not eat cabbage or baked beans or bananas or cauliflower or oranges. And I ABSOLUTELY will not ever NEVER eat a tomato.


The children will discover that the role-play area has been set up as a greengrocer and then they participate in a fruit and veg tasting session. They think about likes and dislikes and draw and label 3 fruits or vegetables that they like then think about and write down what they will not ever eat.They meet Charlie and his little sister Lola in the story I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato and write in role as Lola. They will plan and write their own story about a fussy eater.



The children continue to work at different stages and paces on various mathematical concepts. Some of our spring term concepts include numbers to 100, time, money & fractions.


Science: Everyday materials - Let’s Build

The children will explore different materials and sort them into groups before writing songs based on their properties! We will consider what it would be like if the tables were made of jelly or the chairs were chocolate! They will then recreate the story of the three little pigs and predict what will happen to their houses.


Computing: Grouping Data

This unit introduces the children to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. The children will demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. They will then begin to demonstrate their ability to sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, they will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.

PHSE: Healthy Me

The children will understand the difference between being healthy and unhealthy, and know some ways to keep themselves healthy, feeling good when they make healthy choices. They will learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices. The children will learn how to keep themselves clean and healthy, and understand how germs cause disease/ illness. We will learn  that all household products including medicines can be harmful if not used properly.  They will also learn about road safety. 


RE: Prayer at Home: Does praying at regular intervals help a Muslim in his/ her everyday life?

The children will be  learning to explain what commitment means to them and to Muslims by knowing about how Muslims pray 5 times a day.


Please do contact either myself or one of the Nurture team if you have any concerns or queries. Either call the office 0208 3177 659 or contact us directly


Mrs Scarbrow & The Nurture Team



Welcome Back - Spring 1 2024


Firstly, the Nurture staff would like to wish you all a very happy new year. We hope that the Christmas break was relaxing and are looking forward to welcoming the children back next week. Miss Arshan is now on maternity leave, we are very much looking forward to meeting her new baby when he decides to arrive. Miss Williams will be joining Nurture on a full time basis, she spent quite a bit of time with us at the end of last term and is already building relationships with the pupils. 


This half term is very short, only 5 weeks, but we still intend for it to be packed with excellent learning experiences for the children. As always, we have several trips to look forward to. We are hoping to take the children to see Buckingham Palace and The Queen's House in Greenwich as part of our history topic 'Monarch's' and are awaiting confirmation on a trip to London Zoo to enhance the learning in our new English book 'Bringing the Rain from Kapiti Plain'. 


Jennie, our speech and language therapist will be joining us weekly to participate in whole class work in order to develop our social and emotional skills as well as focusing on individuals speech and language.




Curriculum Coverage for Spring 1:


English - Bringing the Rain from Kapiti Plain

In this traditional tale, discovered in Kenya, a young herd boy Ki-pat must find a way to end the dreadful drought that has come to the beautiful Kapiti Plain and save the animals that live there.


The children will be setting up a travel agency.  They will be taking guests on tours, creating a travel brochure for Kenya, role-playing and much more.



The children are all working at different stages and paces on various mathematical concepts.  Some of the spring term concepts include working with numbers to 20, fractions, multiplication and division and shape. 



Science: Seasonal Changes - Wonderful Weather

The children will be thinking  about what they already know about weather, looking at weather forecasts and creating their own school weather forecasts. They will make weather observations and create collages about the seasons. They will also have fun with shadows and make a class weather station that can measure rainfall, wind direction and temperature.


Computing: Digital Writing

The children will become more familiar the keyboard and its processes, creating and editing documents using various features. 


PHSE: Dreams & Goals

The children will be setting themselves simple goals and working out how to overcome the obstacles that may prevent them from achieving these.


History: Famous for more than 5 minutes  -Monarchs

The children will compare the lives and reigns of Queen Elizabeth 1 and Queen Victoria, two fascinating monarchs. They will place their reigns on a chronological timeline. They will also begin to identify the key roles of a monarch and use images, stories and role-play to learn more about these fascinating characters and what life was like in Elizabethan and Victorian times.


Art: Exploring Art 

The children will develop different techniques and creating lots of animal themed art projects.



Welcome to Nurture 


Autumn 2 2023


The Nurture staff would like to wish you all a restful half term break and look forward to seeing you when we return on the 30th October 2023. As you will have seen by the amazing pictures below, the children all worked so hard last half term. We had a special visit from the Police who kindly came in to talk to us about their job and even let us try on their uniform!


We produced some information booklets to help visitors to Earth understand how to behave. In computing, we began to understand that technology means anything that is designed to help us and does not necessarily need to be powered by electricity. In geography, we learnt more about our local area and began to make our own maps using symbols instead of words to mark our routes. Science taught us all about our senses and we took part lots of experiments, trying to think like scientists and make predictions.


This half term is going to be equally busy! We have several trips planned, the first is to the Frameless Experience at Marble Arch, we will be going to an art workshop at Dulwich Picture Gallery and we will also be going to Woodlands Farm in Shooters Hall as part of our English topic 'Hairy Maclary'. Moving towards Christmas, we will be taking part in lots of Christmas activities, including a carol event for parents.


Curriculum Coverage for Autumn 2:


English - Hairy Maclary


Hairy Maclary is off for a walk in town, and on the way he's joined by many furry friends of all shops and sizes, from Bottomley Potts (covered in spots) to Schnitzel von Krumm (with a very low tum). But when they suddenly find themselves face-to-face with Scarface Claw - the toughest Tom in town - it's time to run all the way back home!

The children will be setting up and creating labels for an Animal Shelter.  They will play Match the Mutt, create a Character Splat, research and write some facts about cats and then devise a story not dissimilar to Hairy Maclary but this time about a group of cats who are frightened away by Riptail Paw – a dog version of Scarface Claw, the menace of a cat who appears in Hairy Maclary.




The children are all working at different stages and paces on various mathematical concepts.  Some of the Autumn term concepts include addition and subtraction within 10, numbers up to 100 and money. 



Science - Animals including Humans


The children will be looking carefully at the behaviour and habitats of creatures you find in the school grounds. They will earn about animals close to and in the home, with a particular focus on the pets we keep and how we keep them happy and healthy.


Computing - Digital Painting


The children will be learning to paint with computers using shapes and lines and will compare computer art and real art. 


PHSE - Celebrating Differences


The children will begin to accept that everyone is different. They will practice including others when working and playing. The children will begin to understand what bullying is and will know how to help someone who  is being bullied.



RE: Christianity -Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world? 


The children will think about why the world may need special care and  that Christian's may beleive that Jesus was sent to save the world. They will begin to Christmas story and start to explain that Christians believe Jesus was a gift from God.


Music: My Musical Heartbeat


The children will learn that every piece of music has a heartbeat - a musical heartbeat. In music, we call it the 'pulse' or the 'beat' of the music. They might march, clap or sway in time - find a movement that helps you to keep the beat.








Welcome to Nurture 

2023 - 2024


A warm welcome to all of our new pupils and their families, and of course welcome back to those pupils joining us for a second year in Nurture. We also welcome Miss Arshan to the Nurture Team, she will be supporting your child throughout their journey with us alongside myself and Miss Sutton.


On this page, you will find information about what your child is learning in the coming weeks. I will be updating the page periodically, with pictures of our superheroes and their adventures in Nurture.


This year, we will be joined by a special class member - our new class bear Preston Flowers. Preston will be coming home with your child at some point this half term. He will arrive on a Friday for the weekend, we would like him back in school, ready to learn on Monday morning. It would be great if you could take some pictures of what Preston gets up to at your house, if you want to, take them on a smartphone and email them to me for printing. The pictures could be of you on an outing to the park, cooking together, reading a book - it is really up to you. If you have time, you could also write a few lines about what adventures he has been up to. This is meant to be a fun experience for the pupils, but if you have any questions or concerns, please do get back to me. 


Once we are settled into the new school year, I will also be sending home a VERY small amount of homework. This may be a reading book, phonics or a small maths activitiy, when your child returns their completed task, they will be able to choose something from our prize box!


We have lots going on this half term, I will detail the curriculum coverage below. We have a trip planned for Go Ape @ Leeds Castle and I am also hoping to organise a trip related to the human senses. There will be a Parent Afternoon on the 21/9, this is a really informal opportunity for you to pop in for a meet and greet, get to know some of the other parents and hear about our activities fro parents over the coming weeks - more details to follow shortly. The children will participate in Assessment Week in week 2 of the term, this enables us to find out where gaps are for our superheroes and also their next steps, meaning we are able to adapt the curriulum directly for their needs. We are also planning to continue our 5 a Day whole school sessions, these are a great way to get our hearts pumping, have fun and get ready for our learning. In addition, we will also have our sensory circuit set up for children who need a reset throughout the day.


If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me or one of the members of the Nurture team via the office on 0208 3177659 or alternatively via email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Kate Scarbrow, Billie Sutton & Eser Arshan

The Nurture Team


Curriculum: Autumn 1 2023


English: Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers - 


Well, hello.
And welcome to this Planet.
We call it Earth.

Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you’ve only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let’s explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey. And you’ll figure lots of things out for yourself. Just remember to leave notes for everyone else… Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you’ve just got to be kind.


This really is a beautiful text, the children will be learning about command sentences, noun phrases, creating posters and also creating an information leaflet. I am sure they thoroughly enjoy it.


Maths: Maths No Problem


The children are all working at different stages and paces on various mathematical concepts. You will be able to see from their homework what is currently being covered for your own child. Some of the Autumn term concepts include addition and subtraction within 10, numbers up to 40 and money. 


Science: Animals including Humans - Ourselves


The children will learn all about their bodies and senses, including making their own sensory boards and bottles. They will observe changes over time and think about how they change as they get older. They will also learn how to collect data, look for patterns and carry out investigations. 


Art: Exploring Art Unit 1


During this fantastic unit, the children will be learning how to create abstract paintings, as well as creating art works using runny paints - we will endevour to keep thei uniforms clean!


Computing: Computing Systems & Technology Around Us


The children will be considering the question 'what is information technology?' and thinking about where they have seen information technology in their homes and in the world. They will think about whether or not this technology improves the world and learn how to use IT safely. 

Geography: Our School & Local Area


This is a lovely exploration of the local area based on the adventures of Rosie. Rosie the Hen takes a walk around the farmyard and then takes a second walk around our school! Children have to plot a route for her and then answer her questions about the unique history of the school and its locality before carrying out a travel and traffic survey to answer more of Rosie's questions.


Zones of Regulation & PHSE


Our new pupils will be learning about ZOR and old pupils will be revisiting the lessons. This is a great opportunity for pupils to became more aware of their own feelings and emotions, how these can impact on others and also how to manage them in order to remain calm and be able to learn. Our PHSE topic this half term is 'Being me in my World'. The children will learn about one another, their rights and responsibilities, how to feel proud of themselves and also rewards and consequences. They will create their own class charter, detailing how they think they should behave in class.


The children will also take part in weekly PE sessions, this half term focuses on invasion games and new this year - weekly outdoor learning sessions. 



Owning our Learning Charter





Runny Paint Creations (part 3)
