Just in case ...
As you will have seen on the news, we are forecast to have snow and icy cold conditions next week.
Firstly, can you ensure that your super hero is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions ... we don't want anyone complaining that they have frost bite!
As part of our Critical Incident Response the following will happen:
• We will inform you via Class Dojo, Twitter and website if we have to close the school. Please ensure you keep an eye on these as this will be the first and quickest method we have to tell you what is happening.
• Weather and news channels will be monitored to ensure that transport information is as accurate as possible.
• School Bus Company are in control of how and when our superheroes are picked up. We will be keeping in touch with them throughout the day to ensure that we know of any changes. We will let you know asap.
• If we have to close school, we will post it on the website, Dojo and twitter. Please look from 7am onwards.
• Throughout the potential closure, we will be in contact via Dojo,the website and twitter to let you know when we can re-open.Please remember - we will not close the school unless it is absolutely necessary.
• Please ensure you are safe!
We have already got systems in place to enable your super hero to continue their learning whilst at home - we are sending out reminders for log-in's etc next week.