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Goodbye and Farewell

On behalf of the Waterside super hero team, I would like to thankyou all for your support over the past year ... and what a year it hasbeen!

We've had an outstanding OFSTED visit, become partners with oursister school Moatbridge (which from September 1st is to be calledKing's Oak School), built a new ASD provision and much muchmore.

It is always sad to say goodbye to our friends and change can bedifficult...however, things do have to change.

As we say goodbye to our Year 6 super heroes, we want to wishthem and you as parents, all the very best for the next chapter intheir lives. You have proven that you are able and amazing, andyou now need to prove this to everyone else.

For those super heroes and families who are staying with us...wecan't wait to hear about your amazing holidays and we will seeyou on Wednesday September 5th.

Have a great break and thank you once again.
Meic and the Super Hero Waterside team.