As I was going to Cherry Orchard last night to peform at their INSET, my Uber driver (who was very chatty), told me he had done a little research about our school and the type of super heroes we play with.
He was in awe of how we help our super heroes, empowering them to handle their behaviours and become really useful members of society. He wanted me to pass on that he thinks you are an amazing bunch of people and there should be more like you in the world.
I thanked him (bit embarrassing being stuck in the back of a taxi and having plaudits thrown at you).
As I went to get out the cab, he gave me £5 as his random act of kindness for us to donate to charity on his behalf. Touched – wasn’t the word. I have given him an amazing rating on Uber and I am going to put this on our website. His name is Sulaimani – and it was so refreshing to meet someone who wanted to make the world a better place.