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School Closures within Greenwich

Dear parent,

You may have seen on Twitter this evening and we, as schools only received the email at 5pm tonight, that the Leader of the Council has requested that all schools in Greenwich CLOSE from tomorrow (Monday) afternoon to all pupils except those classed as vulnerable or are the children of key workers.


As both Waterside and King's Oak work with SEMH pupils, we are expected to remain open until Thursday as already planned.


Transport, catering etc will continue as normal.


We have returned to the plan we used during the first lock down : 


  • staff will not travel between the two schools for the next week - unless there is an emergency
  • all visiting staff (speech and language therapists for example) will now be held virtually


It is vital that you continue to work with us, so that we can support each other during this time


If you or your family have symptoms, then please remain home, get a test and inform us as soon as possible.


We know that this will raise anxiety and we completely understand. If you feel more comfortable keeping your super hero at home, then please let us know and we will immediately move to online learning for them.


Staff at both schools are on hand from tomorrow onwards to help and support - but please bare with us as we expect to deal with a lot of queries.


We are an amazing community.

We have proven this throughout 2020.

We can do this together and ensure that we are all safe.


As ever,

Meic and the Imperium Team
