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  • World Kindness Day

    Wed 13 Nov 2019

    It's World Kindness Day today ... what random acts of kindness can you do?

    You could...
    1. Send an uplifting text to a friend or family member
    2. Let the person merge into traffic with a wave and a smile
    3. Include intentional moments of kindness, laughter and delight into your daily routine
    4. Go slightly outside your comfort zone at least once a day to make someone smile
    5. Share a compliment with a co-worker or friend
    6. Reach out to a family member you haven't spoken to in a while
    7. Treat someone to a cuppa - a friend, a stranger or even yourself (pay it forward).
  • Children in Need

    Tue 12 Nov 2019
    It's Children in Need on Friday and as you know, we always do something wild and wacky for these wonderful days!

    This Friday, we have a really, really busy day planned. We have super heroes off on visits in the morning and we have our Governor's in to look at reading across the school.

    From chatting with our School Council who understand that as we are going out on visits, we should come to school in our uniform to ensure that everyone knows where we are from...we've come up with a cunning plan for the afternoon!

    Along with a donation for Children in Need (whatever you can spare but a minimum of 20p would be great), we'd like everyone to bring in their favourite teddy bear.

    During the afternoon, we will be hosting a competition to dress our teddy's in the most fabulous way possible, using materials provided by school. There will be a prize for the most creative and fantastic bear creation!

    On top of this, we will be serving party food and cake to celebrate this amazing day and to thank everyone for taking part.

    Let's see how much money we can raise for this amazing charity!