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  • Welcome Back!

    Sat 02 Sep 2017

    "If you only read the books everyone else is reading,

    you can only think what everyone else is thinking."


    Haruki Murakami


    Welcome back to a brilliant new term at Waterside! We hope you all had a lovely Summer break and are ready for the term ahead.


    We need your help this term. 


    We have a big, big, BIG push on reading - following on from our wonderful whole school story work in the Summer.


    This week - we want our super heroes to share a book and then buy a book, and we'd like you to read with them at home too. It is VITAL that you practice reading with your super hero at home - so that they can make even further leaps with their work.


    We have some people from UCL joining us, to help trial an app (which will work on Android and iOS) to help improve reading. We also have some research work of our own - being led by Ms Stone, to improve basic phonics and reading.


    Let's get to work!


